1) Ok, we know that the topical 4-AD sprays works well and fulfills the long acting, anabolic portion, of a prohormone cycle very nicely.
2) We also know that 1-AD is a very androgenic leading to very good strength gains and muscle hardness. 1-AD also has the unique characteristic of being orally active. This is why Pat arnold did not bother making a topical 1-AD formula.
3) I think that Pat would be the first to tell you that 1-test would be superior to 1-AD if it was not for the oral bioavailability issue. The logical alternative would be a topical 1-test formula. The last thing that I read about Pat's opinion of 1-test products was that the reason that he has not introduced 1-test is due to the fact that nobody can manufacture it without contamination of the product with illegal steroid byproducts. He is concerned that these products are, in fact, illegal because of this and may lead to problems with the whole prohormone industry. His opinions on this may have recently changed though, not sure. Obviously, he would have the most to loose by pushing the envelope with a grey area compound.
I'm not sure about the feedback from the Avant 1-test topical formula, but 1-AD seems to be liked by everyone who uses it, sense the initial burning problems of the original batch (1-dione). Maybe Par Deus can tell us if people are liking it better than 1-AD?
4) Lastly, I know that Mag 10 was formulated by Bill Roberts who I had a tremendous amount of respect for when he was writing for Meso, however the feedback on Mag 10 has not been nearly as positive as 1-AD, leading me to believe that the oral activity of the 4-androstene-3, 17-diethyl-carbonate ester and 1-androstene-3-one-17-ethylcarbonate ester formula is not all it is cut out to be.
5) I think that the scienece behind the new 6-OXO compound that Pat is coming out with is intriguing. Anything that can help reduce estrogen and raise LH levels would be a welcome addition to any prohormone/AAS cycle.
-A topical formula containing: 4-Diol and 1-Test would probably be the way to go, assuming that 1-test is legal to manufacture, without contamination.
-If not, then two seperate products: a topical 4-Diol product combined with an oral 1-AD product would be the way to go. This combination has produced great results for everyone who tries it.
-Lastly, I think Pat's new 6-OXO product may end up being a useful addition to either of the two options listed above. However, I'm not sure if the fellas at LPJ will be making this available to companies like HSN. I would like to see Bryan get together with Pat and discuss the possibilities availabe to him, as I have a lot of respect for both of them. They are two very honest/brilliant individuals.