alternating exercises


New Member
Hi all,
if i am alternating say incline dumbell curls with ez curls how should i stagger my weights?
When i reach the second to last workout of any given cycle should i be using my max for either one of the exercises?

Dumbell curls(15kg max)
Day 1-10 Day 3-12.5 Day 5-15

EZ curls (30kg max)
Day 2-25 Day 4-27.5 Day 6-30

Is this right or should i only be working up to say 12.5kg dumbells for my second last workout?

Hope this is not too confusing.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Is this right or should i only be working up to say 12.5kg dumbells for my second last workout?

Ideally, the load should progress each workout. If you hit your max for db on day 5 then max for ez on day 6 your biceps don't see a progression. So, I believe working DB's up to 12.5kg on day 5 would be better.

I alway did it that way when alternating exercises (max day 5 and 6)

The main problem is that you wouldnt beable to know the exact amount of loading in common between the two exercises to create a linear increase in weight. An Ez Crl 30 is different to Db curls with 15*2
Crackerman, Its MY advice to the choose ONE lift per SPECIFIC bodypart. It gives you the chance to work on neural ability, increase strength to a degree, and have a general idea of how much tension your muscle is receiving from workout to workout. Just my 2 cents
I'm a newbie to HST, so bear with me. Blade indicates in the FAQ that it is okay, perhaps preferable, to avoid doing squats and SLDL in every workout, and that doing squats twice per week is okay. I cannot figure how this comports with the frequency principle, but I can sure see how it might lead to overtraining. With that in mind, would it be okay to do squat on monday, replace that with leg extensions and curls on wednesday, followed by SLDL's on friday? Or have I missed the point?
Sharp, you're right, the reason for doing squats and deadlifts only every other workout is that they are quite taxing on the lower back.

However, the 48-hours-rule still applies to lower body muscles - if you want to have optimal gains, train them each workout, e. g. you could alternate between squats/leg curls on A-day and SLDL/leg extensions on B-day. Leg press is also a good substitution for squats.

If you're not that concerned with legs, you may also choose to just alternate between a quad-dominant and a hip-dominant exercise (e. g. squats - Romanian deadlifts). You will still gain, although at a slower rate.