2016 Log

Volume lower

108.5 salt and carb up. Feeling the FODMAP bloat too. Should be back to usual by tomorrow morning.

10min wake up walk

DL volume triples, close ||, leveraged slack pull; 1 x10-70, 120. 1 x5-170. 5 x3-220. Building triples back in to get my reps-capacity back and eventually it will take less time than singles for the same volume. Hit some really good reps amongst these.

Belt squats, oly shoes, knees forward, pause in hole; 3 x10-125.
Neck extensions; 2 x30, 1 x22-25kg. Leaning over a bit more to make these harder. Taking it cautiously for obvious reasons. Fatigued a bit quicker.
Supersetted. Need to get this done faster, definitely took too long.

RDLs, beltless, figure-8 straps; 3 x10-160. Hard. I’ll stick at this load for a few weeks and aim to add reps. Really good at helping re-find my most efficient hinge.

Power rows; 3 x10-120.
Step ups, high box; 3 x10-bw.

SSB widowmaker squats; 1 x10-82. Cut short for time.
Hanging leg raises;

Lost time on belt squats somehow. Otherwise a fantastic session.

Daily walks
2 x30min

Evening GPP
SG BB hypers, 50deg; 4 x10-90, 10mins. 2 sets at #5, #6. Prefer #5 but need to raise height.
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Volume upper

107.4 still fairly loaded on veges so expecting this to come down further over the next two days or so.

10min wake up walk

Max Buffalo bench, pinkies on rings; 1 x10-72. 1 x1-102, 107.5. Grip width to the rack, basically, so didn’t want to go absolute max in case I couldn’t re-rack safely.
Back offs; 1 x10, 1 x8-82.5. 1 x10-72.5. Full ROM on that the as-wide-as-possible grip hit a bit differently.

Seal rows; 1 x10-70. 6 x10-92.5. Added 3-mats for extra height on the last two sets. Will ponder it further.

Seated deadlifts, box+9mats; 3 x10-170. Back to versa’s, which felt a lot better. Will ditch the grips for these soon and use them to rebuild my hook.
Hanging leg raises; 3 x15-bw.

GPP Chin-ups; 2 x6, 1 x5, 10 x3-bw.
GPP Push-ups; 2 x6, 1 x5, 10 x3-bw.
Supersetted. Sets across to failure might be better here. Not sure.

Going to take Friday’s seal rows to a 2 or 3 mat height beneath the box and work on grip endurance, aiming to get more stimulus from less load initially.

Daily walks
2 x30mon

Evening GPP 10mins
WG pull-ups; 3 x10-bw.
Push-ups; 3 x10-bw.

Hindu squats; 4 x30-bw
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Rest day

108.0 carbs and high vege load. Mirror looking good.

Daily walks
2 x15min
1 x30min
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Rest day

109.9 massive vege, fibre and salt bloat. Feeling like crap in my gut. More discipline required, even if it’s more or less calorie-less food.

Daily walks
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DL and bench

108.0 most of the gut volume is cleared, just have salt bloat. Everything is fatigued from a non-stop weekend, so moderating expectations for today.

10min wake-up walk

DL heavy single, close stance, minor-V; 1 x10-70. 1 x5-120. 1 x1-170, 220, 250. Only needed one attempt. Not picture perfect but not a grinder either. Slack pull was good, didn’t quite nail the hip drop but it’ll come.
Back offs; 3 x3-200@6. Paced myself here. Could probably do a 4th set quite comfortably.

3-2-0 tempo bench, index on rings, feet up, 1 x4@7, 3 x4@5; 1 x5-70. 1 x4-100@8. 3 x4-80@5.

Weighted chin-ups; 1 x5-bw. 2 x4-bw+25kg. 2 x 6-bw+15kg.

RDLs, belted; 3 x8-170. These are taking on some of the load from seated DLs for both traps and bracing endurance.
Hanging leg raises; 3 x15-bw.

A nice start in returning to this form of programming.

Plenty of available time. Definitely a 4th set of backoff deads and probably the upper body stuff too, depending on impact upon max/heavy bench tomorrow.

Daily walks
2 x30min
2 x15min
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Squat and bench day


10min wake up walk

Buffalo Squat single @8-9; 1 x5-72. 1 x1-122, 152. Even allowing for fatigue from yesterday my form was horrendous. Probably should’ve ramped up using more reps. More practice needed.
Backoffs 2 x3@8; 2 x3-122@7. Brought the stance-width in and that improved things a lot.

Bench single@9, index fingers on rings; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-110, 125@9. Didn’t tuck my feet or set my hips correctly so it felt a lot harder than it should have.
Backoffs 2 x3-4@8; 1 x3@9-110, 1 x2@8-110. 2nd set was a lot better form.

Seal rows, heavy, box plus two mats; 1 x10-70. 4 x5-100. A lot stronger on these without standing rows the day before.

Belt squat, oly shoes, 3-5x10@RIR2; 4 x10-130. Focusing knees forward for quads.
Neck extensions; 2 x20-25kg. —> Seal rows with 1ct concentric hold; 2 x10-80.

Skullcrushers; 2 x10-30kg.
BB curls; 2 x15-30kg. Pump feels really good on these, will help build endurance for chin-ups.
Neck extensions; 2 x20-25kg.
Giant set.

- Good setup for time available and recovery
- Warm up knees properly for squats
- Do seal rows supersetted with belt squats
- Push the pace a bit harder

Daily walks
2hrs family bush hike
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5s day


10min wake up walk

DL volume, 1 x5; 1 x10-70. 1 x5-120, 170, 220.
Back offs; 3 x5-200.
Started off with modest close-V, switched to || mid-top set and then stayed there for backoffs. V is more explosive but I think has a lot less room for error. || feels like it has no ROM once it breaks. I’ll continue to try and figure out which is ultimately best. Need to get my work capacity for these higher. Perhaps loosen or lose the belt after the top set, especially in the close stance.

Bench, middle finger on the rings, 4x5@7; 1 x5-70. 1 x5-100@7, 1 x5-100@9, 1 x5-100@8, 1 x3-100@8. Need to lower the weight as RPE increases. Probably wouldn’t have to if 5min rest with no supersets but that’s a shit way to train.
Bent over row, pinky finger to the rings; 4x5-8; 1 x5-120. 3 x5-140.

SSB squats, close stance, oly shoes, belt, 3x5; 3 x5-102. Big load bump next week, I went very conservative with weight selection.

SSB GMs, DL stance, belt, 3x5; 3 x5-132. I think I will move these to 8 reps to go closer to RIR1 but stay in a safer load space given I’m fatigued at this point.

Great session. Three takeaways;

-Preload and setup the SSB beforehand
-Do sit-ups at the end, outside of a superset
-Stop retracting my scapulas so tight on bench

Daily walks
2 x30min
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Volume day

108.0 salt and fluids a bit higher. Suspect there’s a swoosh-drop ahead, activity is generally pretty high right now.

10min wake up walk

Buffalo Bench, untucked legs, thumbs to smooth, 4x10; 1 x10-82. 3 x10-77. 82 was a bit heavy with the fatigue from the programming change this week. Should be fine in 1 or 2 sessions time.
Seal rows with hold, box+2 mats, 4x10; 3 x10-80.

Belt squats 3-5x10@RIR2, quads/knees focus; 3 x10-130.
Neck extensions; 3 x25-25kg.

GPP circuit:
Chin ups 4 x7-bw.
SG axle hypers, #6 50deg; 4 x10-90.
Dips; 4 x6-bw.
Giant set.
This smashed the shit out of me.

Daily walks
1 x30min
1 x15min

Evening GPP
CG neutral pull-ups, myo-reps; 10+7x3 myo-reps.
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Rest day

108.4 not feeling or looking like it

Daily walks
1 x60min
2 x15min

2hrs museum wandering
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DL and bench day

108.4 I think I’m going to dial back caffeine here and there during the week, mostly on the weekends. Seems to be losing some of its kick and maybe reducing sleep quality.

10min wake-up walk

DL to heavy single, close-V, leveraged slack pull; 1 x10-70. 1 x5-120, 170. 1 x1-220, 270. Got it on the third attempt. RPE10 but came through the sticking point without any lower back injury danger. Massive slack pull and hip drop into position. Ecstatic to hit this in a fatigued state.
Back offs, clustered singles; 4 x1-220. Cut short by lil miss having a false alarm early wake up so stopped at 4 to get the rest done.

3-2-0 tempo bench, index on rings, feet up, 1 x4@7, 3 x4@5; 1 x5-70. 1 x3-100@7.5. Way stronger than last week. 3 x4-80@5.
Weighted chin-ups; 1 x5-bw. 1 x4-bw+25kg@10. 3 x6-bw+15kg. Did the last set as CG neutral.

RDLs; 3 x8-170. Feeling it from the main lift right away. Will try to push to 9 reps per set next week.
Hanging leg raises; 3 x15-bw.

The evening GPP back work on Friday was unnecessary and had me feeling sore, stiff and tight over the weekend. Will prioritise finding time for abs and arms rather than that.

Daily walks
1 x15min
1 x30min
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Squat and bench day

107.5 had trouble sleeping last night. Mainly work related thoughts. I’ve strained or pulled something where the left flute attaches at the femur/hip socket-ish. Not so bad that it’s bruised, but I’ll need to be mindful of it and keep up blood flow and movement.

10min wake-up walk

SSB squat single @8-9; 1 x5-82. 1 x1-132, 152@9. Hit depth but wasn’t prepared to go full ATG with the left glute situation.
Back offs 2 x2-3@8; 1 x2-132.

Bench single@9, index fingers on rings; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-120. 130kg fail. Half way up and I couldn’t grind it out. I’m starting to think I may be better bringing the grip in, I just get no bounce or spring out of the bottom at max width and the descent feels ‘off’ more often than not.
Back offs, ring between third and fourth fingers, 2 x3-4@8; 1 x3-100@7.

Seal rows, box+2mats, heavy, full resets; 1 x10-70. 1 x5, 1 x4-100. Holds on the volume work paying dividends already.

Belt squats 4 x10@RIR2; 4 x10-135.
Seal rows, box+2 mats, volume; 4 x10-80.

Skullcrushers; 2 x12-30.
BB curls; 2 x15-30.
Neck extensions; 2 x25-25kg.
Giant set.

Glutes feeling a little better, hopefully it can handle some pulling volume on Thursday.

I will try taking Skullcrushers to DBs as my space isn’t setup very well for the BB going behind the head while being safe if I need to bail.

Closer bench grip was a vast improvement.

Tried one mat and versa’s for seal rows to keep tension on the upper back throughout but it didn’t really help, so building grip and forearm strength and endurance will be a focus on the side, probably with dead hangs.

Daily walks
2 x30min
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Rest day

107.5 did a set of 1 x20 for WG neutral pull-ups before bed. I’m going to re-insert the high volume sets into Friday’s session, probably supersetting or giant-setting with belt squats. I want to make sure I don’t lose that work capacity.

Glute is still improving but not all the way there.

Daily walks
1 x15min
2 x30min
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5s day

108.2 left flute is probably sitting around 80% right now. The acute soreness is mostly gone.

10min wake-up walk

DL, close-V stance, volume; 1 x10-70. 1 x5-120, 170. Cluster singles 5 x1-220. Clustered it to keep the left go ute protected. 3 x5-200. Need to improve my conditioning specific to this pattern. RDLs might be the way to do it over the duration.

Bench, rings between third and fourth fingers; 1 x5-70. 1 x5@8-100, 1 x5-100@8, 1 x4-100@8, 1 x5-100@8. Moved to a progressively flatter back and was just so much stronger on the fourth set than the first. I’ll keep this going forward, it feels a lot better for me. The massive arch just doesn’t seem to get it done.
Pendlay rows: 5 x5-120. Did a strict bent over row for the 5th set and found the stimulus I wanted, so I’ll keep the load a bit lighter than 140 next week and go with that style.

SSB squats; 3 x5-112. Still a bit too light, another bump next week into RIR2 territory.

SSB GMs; 2 x8-132.

Called it there as I have a very early start compared to a usual work day.

Pretty solid session with some learnings for form.

I did a few singles with 70kg using different DL stances at the end with the sim of figuring out my optimal leverage for reducing ROM and hips to the bar. Medium ish with toes at 45deg and cuing ‘long arms’ felt snappy AF. Might try it next week, it definitely exposes the hamstrings and glutes to less injury risk in the lengthened position, albeit may transfer some of that exposure to the erectors.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Volume day

107.9 change to 4 x full body split has my appetite through the roof.

10min wake-up walk

Buffalo bench, thumbs to smooth; 4 x8-82. 2.5kg bump next week.
Seal rows, box+2 mats; 4 x8-90. Correct load for now.

GPP circuit 1:
Belt squats; 4 x10-135. Knees and quads emphasised as per the usual. Getting my hips back too to maintain upright torso. Starting to really get some momentum here.

CG neutral pull-ups, pullover cuing; 4 x15-bw. Missed the engagement and sensation of these on the lats, nothing else quite like it.

WG OHP, index finger on rings; 3 x15-30kg. Starting very light, going by ‘feel’ for ROM to see if my shoulders can handle these again, more or less down to the chin.

GPP circuit 2:
SG BB hypers; 4 x10-90. I did these across a heap of settings. In the end I decided #7, 50deg and whichever grip width feels best for ROM is where I will pick it up next week.
Belt squat one-arm rows; 3 x7 per side-75kg.
Dips; 3 x6-bw.

Overhead BB extensions; 2 x14-20kg. These felt fantastic and have the added bonus of working my upper back in the static, extended position, which I think is the root cause of my shoulder discomfort.
DB curls; 2 x10-DB+15kgs per side.
Supersetted. I’ll aim for a third set next week, maybe throw hanging leg raises in for a third giant set circuit.

This workout was awesome. Fitness levels are pretty good right now, I just need more and better sleep.

And I think there’s 15mins of fluff setup time to improve on.

Note to self is avoid sitting on a hard service given how it aggravates the glute.

Daily walks
4 x15min
1 x30min
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DL and bench

109.1 some of it is bloat, some is poor diet adherence over the past week. Time to tighten up without excuses or slip ups.

10min wake-up walk

DL to heavy single; 1 x10-70. 1 x5-120, 170. 1 x1-220, 270. Got it on the third attempt again. The first two times I wasn’t setting up behind the bar well enough and didn’t have any counter balance leverage. This was an absolute grinder and took the left glute-adductor-hamstring to its limit. Skipped the backoffs as a result and decided to bring RDLs forward and throw in some nordics, as I want something for knee flexion somewhere.

RDL back offs; 3 x9-170.

3-2-0 tempo bench, feet up, 1 x4@7; 1 x10-70. 1 x4-100@9. I just couldn’t find my groove here.
Back offs, 3x4@5; 3 x4-80@5.

CG weighted neutral pull-ups; 1 x10-bw. 4 x4-bw+25kg. Did the last set as full-ROM clustered singles and will stick with that for this session. No point failing rep total on account of forearms.

Nordic negatives; 1 x10-bw. 2 x10 purple band assisted-bw.
Hanging leg raises; 2 x20-bw. 2 sets enough with squatting tomorrow.

Probably lucky not to have an injury today but the rep was also definitely there.

Purple band on the nordics was maybe a tad too much help. Will see how green goes next time.

Ring finger on the ring for bench was ok by the final back off. Upper back arch needs a lot of work.

Daily walks
1 x15min
1 x30min
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Squat and bench day

109.5 have to assume salt bloat as calories and activity are where they should be. Mirror looks improved as well.

10min wake-up walk

SSB Squat single @8-9; 1 x10-82. 1 x3-132. 1 x1-162. Felt good, would’ve just hit depth but better than last week on load and technique so I’ll take it.

Back offs 2-3 x2-3@8; 2 x2-132@7.

Bench single@9, middle finger on rings; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-110. Nice pause and rep. 1 x1-120@9-9.5. Much better than last week.
Back offs, 2 x2-4; 1 x3-110@8.5. 1 x3-110@9.

Seal rows, box+2mats, heavy, full resets; 1 x10-70. 4 x4-100. Went a bit wider on the last set which felt a bit better perhaps.

Belt squats 4x10@RIR2; 4 x10-140.
Seal rows, box+2 mats, volume; 4 x10-80. Stayed wider grip. TUT on the back more than the arms that way, or at least it feels to be the case.

Cut short.

BB curls;
Neck extensions;
Giant set.

Daily walks
1 x30min
1 x15min
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