2016 Log

Volume upper


15min walk

Max effort bench, rings between index and middle fingers; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-110, 120, 125. Cut it an inch short but bumped the j-hooks on the way down which took me out slightly. Had a few more kg’s in the tank. Time to practice.
Back off 10s; 2 x10-90. Probably need a third set of 10s here to just get better at benching again.

Chin-ups, full ROM; 6 x10-bw. The last two sets had some rest-pause towards the end.

Seal rows, reset, explosive; 3 x8-90.
OHP, bench width grip; 3 x10-50.
Supersetted. Maybe a fourth set next time, had some minor interruptions and was conscious of time.

GPP inverted rows; 6 x10-bw.
GPP push-ups; 6 x10-bw.
Supersetted. Going to push the pace and reps per set on these.

Cut short.

DB curls;
JM press;
Neck extensions;
Giant set.

Daily walks
2 x30min
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Max effort lower

108.9 very high sodium intake this past long weekend. Amended training plan this week thanks to work travel.

10min wake up walk

DL to max; 1 x5-70. 1 x1-120, 170, 220, 240, 250. Nailed the slack pull and weight behind the bar. Probably had 260 but let it be for today, conscious of time.

SSB SQ to max, only shoes, straight knees forward; 1 x5-82. 1 x1-132, 152. Definitely a training max rather than all out max, which is encouraging. Next week I’ll aim at 162.

FPDL; 3 x10-150. Originally thinking 5x10 ala 5/3/1 backoffs a but my fitness isn’t there yet. Debated FPDL or SLDL, but leg drive through the hips rather to an knees is where I need to improve and become automatic again.
Hanging leg raises; 3 x10-bw.

SSB SQ, oly shoes, knees forward; 3 x10-82.
Hanging leg raises; 3 x10-bw.

Bent over rows; 3 x6-140. Shoulder width grip and just the right amount of accommodating torso movement. This is the correct load for now.
Sit-ups, plate behind head; 2 x10-bw+20kg.

Great session. I’ll see how recovery goes and ideally next week add in a 4th set of 10 each for back off work. Modest 2.5kg load bumps when appropriate.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Max effort upper


15min walk

Bench to max, rings between index and middle fingers; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-110, 120, 130kg fail, 130kg. It felt so light in the hands that the first 130 went too far forward and I couldn’t recover. I cut the 2nd an inch short but it was definitely there. I just need more practice now.
Back offs; 1 x4-110@RIR1.

WG neutral weighted pull-ups; 1 x10-bw. 4 x3-bw+25.

Seal rows, heavy, explosive; 3 x4-100.
OHP, bench grip width; 3 x5-60. I’ve let myself become so weak at these. Lots of work to be done.

Bent over rows; 3 x10-110. Definitely a better starting weight for me what I want to achieve re: torso static position strength. Plenty of traps and upper back stimulation as well.

Overhead extensions; 3 x10-tight black band per hand.

DB curls; 2 x10-DBs+15kg per hand.
Band pressdowns; 2 x20-tight red band per hand.
Neck extensions; 2 x30-25kg.
Giant set.

Great session. Will add in more arm work when not pressed for time, have a flight to catch this morning.

Daily walks
3 x15min
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Hotel gym lower

No weigh in available. Went a bit crazy at dinner last night so will tighten up today.

Sled leg press; 1 x20-95. 1 x10-140. 3 x10-200.

Seated leg curl; 1 x15-45. 4 x15-52.
Seated leg extension; 3 x15-52.

Better than nothing.

Daily walks
3 x10min
2 x15min
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Hotel gym lower

No weigh in available. Same as yesterday re: food and keeping breakfast and lunch smaller after a big dinner.

Lying chest press machine: 1 x10-52. 1 x10-66. 3 x10-86.
Lat pull down; 1 x10-59. 1 x10-73. 3 x10-93.

Seated row; 3 x10-93.

Seated DB OHP; 3 x10-20s.

Again, it’s better than nothing. A period of minimal interruptions to training moving forward will be welcome however.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Rest day

108.8 unsurprising after a week of shit food and lowered activity. Looking forward to getting back into proper shape without the interruptions.

Daily walks
1 x30min
Very high NEAT

Lower back feeling the tiredness
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Max effort lower

109.6 seems higher than it should be given yesterday’s activity but not much to be done other than get to work.

Very little sleep last night due to non-training factors, doubled the caffeine this morning to 400mg just to get me through the wake-up fog.

15min walk

DL to max; 1 x5-70, 120. 3 x1-170. 1 x1-220, 240, 260. Did two slack pull tugs that I wasn’t really invested in then got it on the first real attempt. Really happy with that. High belt position and has my weight behind the bar, honestly it felt like the bar was falling upwards, I hit the leverage that well.

Buffalo SQ to max, oly shoes; 1 x5-62. 1 x1-102, 132, 152. My balance and bar path were pretty shit but my brace was like steel and the weight felt really light. The rep was slow but pretty manageable as a result.

FPDL; 3 x8-160. Probably had the conditioning for 10 across but I wanted to feel out the weight first. Next week.

Buffalo SQs; 3 x8-92. Same as above, will get the 10s next week.

Bent over rows, heavy; 3 x6-140.
Hanging leg raises; 3 x15-bw.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Max effort upper


15min wake up walk

Max bench, rings between index and middle fingers; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-110, 120, 130. Better rep than last week, a whisker too high still. However, deeper nonetheless and also less of a grind. Progress.
Back offs; 2 x4-110.

WG weighted neutral pull-ups; 1 x10-bw. 5 x3-bw+25kg. The first four sets were all better quality than last week. The fifth was fairly impacted by fatigue. I should be able to get up to four reps for a few sets next week.

Seal rows, explosive, heavy; 3 x5-100. Should be able to touch 6 reps next week.
OHP, pinkies on rings, full ROM, head up; 3 x5-60. Felt a lot better in this setup, plenty of RIR. Time to load up.

Bent over rows, DL stance; 3 x10-110. These are Yates-esque with rounding of the upper back forwards at the bottom. Feeling really good.

DB curls; 2 x10-DB+15kg each hand.
Overhead extensions; 2 x15-black band per hand.
Neck extensions; 2 x30-25kg.
Giant set.

Really good setup and session. I’ll try and squeeze a third circuit in at the end next time, just need to find 7-8mins of not slacking off. Should be easy enough.

Daily walks
1 x30min
1 x15min
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Volume lower


15min wake up walk

DL, clustered singles; 1 x5-70, 120. 1 x1-170, 10 x1-220. Being under-slept for a few days didn’t help, felt sluggish and slow. I removed the belt for the last two reps and didn’t notice a difference. Not sure what to make of that just yet but maybe todays session can be beltless for a bit. I did a really shit job of counter-balancing today.

Belt squat, only shoes, knees forward; 3 x10-125. I think I prefer using my hands to balance against the post, just by that finger tips. It also lets me sit confidently in the hole with a pause.

SG BB hypers; 3 x10-90. Load bump next week.
Sit-ups, plate behind head; 3 x10-bw+20kg.

SG bent over rows; 3 x10-100. Did the last set with normal grip.
Hanging leg raises; 3 x15-bw.

Vadim deadlifts; 3 x10-70. Starting light and getting the form right.

SSB reverse lunges; wasn’t time efficient enough for these today.

An informative session. My torso length makes a Zercher deadlift from the floor very difficult to safely achieve. I’ll have to ponder on that.

Once again I’m wondering if I’m stronger in a hip width stance, as the narrow position needs to be centimetre-perfect and makes it hard to drive with the upper back.

Daily walks
Walking lunges; 10 x20m
1 x30min
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Volume upper and GPP lower


15min wake up walk

Max bench, rings between index and middle fingers; 1 x10-70. 1 x110, 130. It felt a little heavier in heavier in the hands than Tuesday’s fresh session. I lost the groove on the way up but managed to muscle it back. Skimmed by a centimetre so still something em to work on there.
Back offs; 3 x8-90. Going to aim for 9 reps across next week. Making sure to touch and pause.

Chin ups; 5 x10, 1 x8-bw.

Seal rows, explosive; 3 x10-90. The final set was pretty sloppy. More focus required.
OHP, pinkies on the rings; 3 x10-50.
Supersetted. I’ll add the 4th set of each back in next week. Life-factor early cutoff this morning with work schedule.

GPP SSB GMs; 3 x20-72.
GPP zercher SQ; 3 x15-50.

Step ups; 3 x10-bw. 5 sets next time, otherwise killed it.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Upper GPP and arms


15min wake up walk

Push-ups; 5 x15-bw.
WG inverted rows; 5 x15-bw.

DB curls; 3 x10-DB+15kg per hand.
Overhead band extensions; 3 x15-black band per hand.

Reverse BB curls; 2 x10-40.
Band pressdowns; 2 x20-green band.

I need a good triceps exercise that’s gentle on the shoulder joint. Might be about finding the right skullcrusher grip.

Daily walks
1 x30min
1 x15min
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Rest day

108.8 lots of fibre as moving to replace calories with some veges

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Max effort lower

108.8 crazy busy day yesterday and feeling a pinch of hunger from commencing the cut but it also feels good to be in this mindset again.

10min wake up walk
Standing jumps; 1 x10-bw. Picked up some air time on a couple of these.

DL to max, toes forward, hip width stance; 1 x5-70. 1 x120, 170, 220, 240, V-stance 260. The 260 was slow but strong through the sticking point. I’m just going to stay with my Victory-stance and I’ll figure out the hips later. Token attempt before that with wider feet but there was no power there and it feels like my back does nothing. Really strong slack pull again.

SSB SQ to max, oly shoes, knees forward; 1 x5-72. 1 x1-122, 142, 162. Nailed the top single. Not a PR but shows I’m on my way back into PR territory so long as maintain back squatting once a week. Made sure to brace correctly after messing up my air on 142.

DL back offs @75%; 2 x3-190. FPDL’s had me getting into my knees too much, and just don’t really correlate fantastically with my rounded position. It’s less volume but it’s at a much higher percentage and I can titrate up over time. I’m also hitting pure volume work as GPP on Friday’s and remaining mindful of that.

SSB SQ back offs @75%; 3 x3-122

Bent over rows, heavy; 3 x7-140.
Sit-ups, plate behind head; 3 x10-bw+20kg.

Daily walks
2 x15min
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Max effort upper


10min wake up walk

Max bench, rings between index and middle fingers; 1 x10-75. 1 x1-115, 125, 130. Still a few cm short of a touch, albeit with a ‘pause’ in the air. Drifted slightly forwards but I was able to bring it back. Absolute grinder of a rep. I need more pause work in the bottom when doing reps.
Back offs, paused; 2 x3-110.

WG weighted neutral pull-ups; 1 x10-bw. 2 x4-bw+25kg. 3 x3-bw+25kg.

Seal rows with resets, explosive, heavy; 4 x5-100. Some reps better or worse than others.
OHP, pinkies on rings; 4 x4-70. Closer stance seems better, cuing glute squeeze.

Dips, pause at bottom; 3 x5-bw. Keeping a higher RIR at first to see how my shoulders feel about them.
Weighted chin-ups; 3 x5-bw+15kg. Keeping these full-ROM and strict.

Neck extensions; 1 x35-20kg. Second set cut short.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Volume lower

107.2 excess fluff coming off fairly quickly, still maintaining reasonably high calories, have just cut out the stuff on top.

10min wake up walk

DL clustered singles, slack pull practice; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-120, 170. 20 x1-220.

Belt squats, oly shoes; 2 x12-125.

Buffalo zercher hypers, #3, 45deg; 3 x8-62. Intense burn at the knee insertion, which is positive as I have the hip end/hinging well and truly covered elsewhere re: hamstrings. Definitely some difficulty maintaining position in the elbows. Unsure as to the cause at this point. I might experiment with the cambered bar instead, we’ll see.
Hanging leg raises; 3 x12-bw.

Pendlay rows, hip width stance, shoulder width grip; 2 x10-100.

SSB Hatfield reverse lunges; 1 x10-62. These did not feel great. Possibly due to the cut underway, slightly irritated knee or any other factors. Left it here, especially with quads getting hammered in the second half tomorrow.
Hanging leg raises; 1 x12-bw.

Fantastic DLs and the rest was a bit of ‘feeling it out’.

Given lower GPP tomorrow, I will consolidate the lunges into more belt squats and keep that aspect straight forward. Probably five sets.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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