<span =''>[b said:Quote[/b] (morded @ Sep. 08 2002,4:46)]IF they were legal...I would like to see them used just as hormone replacement therapy is being used for women. This is the Biggest load of #### they put on us as men. Talk about a double standard!! I am not yet in need of replacement, but everytime i see an older guy i knew when i was growing up who is now rapidly becoming decrepit as his natural levels of 't' and hgh drop, it pisses me off. We are denying care to one group of people who really need it medically because of some outdated victorian ideals. It is okay to be gay, sleep with you sister, divorce your parents, burn your flag,steal from others if they are not the majority skin color( this goes both ways-see south africa) BUT not take hormones if you are male...what a load! Actually it is a sad state of affairs. I wonder if there is someway to educate a critical mass of people enough to maybe get some of the laws modified. The governemnt is supposed to work for us.(I know, I know..that is really a joke in itself)
[b said:Quote[/b] (Mindwraith @ Feb. 22 2003,5:35)]
[b said:Quote[/b] ]I don't feel steroids are necessary at all with HST unless you are trying to pass your full genetic potential. I'll never reach that point because I don't want to look big and disgusting, just strong and sexy.
[b said:Quote[/b] ]I feel anyone taking steroids is probably doing so because they weren't seeing results.
[b said:Quote[/b] ]They weren't seeing results because they weren't training and dieting properly.
[b said:Quote[/b] ]Its all in the diet. To get bigger, eat bigger.
Steve,[b said:Quote[/b] (Steve McDermott @ Aug. 28 2002,12:33)]I agree with Restless. That should be an option. Right now I am not even considering them, although I am considering prohormones (go figure). I just would like to keep the hair I have and not end up with a grapefruit for a prostate.
That wasn't my intention, I'm just stating my personal goals.[b said:Quote[/b] ]How nice of you to set the standards
[b said:Quote[/b] ]I wouldn't go that far, but hey...let's say "they weren't seeing good enough results
[b said:Quote[/b] ]So...my 10 years of training, thousands of pages of reading, hundreds of hours measuring foods etc etc wasn't good enough ?
Its always best to state and argumentative point with calling the person a moron.[b said:Quote[/b] ]You know, I'd say you're borderline moronic.
[b said:Quote[/b] ]It's not all in the diet
[b said:Quote[/b] ] - but you don't seem like the person to understand
See where you miss the point ? By being too generalizing you didn't even make room for the fact that this drug is a medicine and some (most) people use it as a treatment. In my case 10 years have gone pretty much to maintain the muscle I had when I was 18.[b said:Quote[/b] (Mindwraith @ Feb. 22 2003,8:54)]I went over that point already when I said "...unless you are trying to pass your full genetic potential." Apparently you met that. I've had fantastic results in just a year now, hell even in the past two weeks..but I only started a year ago, better information is available now than it was 10 years ago.[b said:Quote[/b] ]So...my 10 years of training, thousands of pages of reading, hundreds of hours measuring foods etc etc wasn't good enough ?
Women are getting T as well now, to improve their sex drive. But men aint allowed it for the same reason..?[b said:Quote[/b] (NightOp @ Oct. 01 2002,1:28)]Yet, androgens (in HRT for men) and estrogens in (HRT) for women are two very different things in terms of what they do... we all know what test does and we all know what estrogen does... 50+ year old women won't look and feel like they are 20 years old when on estrogen therapy, yet men at 50+ are much more capable and closer to the looks and feel of the 20's (aside from obvious age characteristics.. i.e. facial structure, etc...). Another problem with this is the lack of information and the sheer complexity of the human body and endocrine system..