Strenght/size routine


New Member

I've completed a couple of hst cycles now with very good results and am looking after some variation for a while. I would like to focus a bit more on strenght.
This is something I made after looking in this forum and on the wannabebig page.

Sunday (heavy)
Chins, 3 x 4-6
BB Row, 3 x 4-6
Hacksquat, 3 x 6-8
Sldl, 3 x 6-8
EZ curl, 3 x 4-6

Monday (heavy)
BB Benchpress, 3 x 4-6
Incl BB benchpress, 3 x 4-6
One leg calf raise, 4 x 6-8
Military press, 3 x 4-6
JM Press, 3 x 4-6
Situps, 4 x 6-8

Wednesday (light)
BB row, 3 x 8-10
DB row, 3 x 8-10
Db lunges, 3 x 10-12
Leg curl, 3 x 10-12
Rear lateral rasie, 3 x 8-10
EZ curl, 3 x 8-10
Hammer curl, 3 x 8-10
(Wrist curl, 3 x 8-10) ??

Thursday (light)
Dips, 3 x 8-10
Incl DB benchpress, 3 x 8-10
Standing calf press, 4 x 10-12
DB Press, 3 x 8-10
Side lateral raise, 3 x 8-10
Skullcrusher, 3 x 8-10
Situps, 4 x 10-12

What do you think about it?
