Reasonable expectations from strength training

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I'm just wondering what might be realistic to expect. I am going to be 35 years old in November. I weigh about 155 lbs. (I weighed 147 when I started HST) I started resistance training in January of this year, and started HST a couple of months later. I'm in my third HST cycle now, but I want to focus on strength for a while. So I'm planning to do 5x5 training starting in the post 5s of HST -- see my "Rough Draft" thread.

My 5rms are:

Inc. Bench: 145 - 150 lbs
Squat: 185 lbs (ATG)
DL: 185 lbs
Military Press: 110 lbs
Bent Over Rows: 110 lbs

Naturally, I want to build as much strength as I can. Exceding 200 lbs in squat and DL would be outstanding, IMO.

I plan on ample eating, and following the
Madcow/Bill Starr intermediate (linear) plan.

From anyone who has been there and done that, what do you think I might acheive before hitting plateaus, and having to start over again?
You may want to try Rippletoe's 3x5 program first and then do a 5x5. I hated the SF 5x5, I hate pyramids. Some people make progress doing them, but I don't, too many warm ups. I like doing 3-5 top sets and gain well from them. For deadlifts I do: 135x4, 225x2, 315x1, 405x1 and then 465x5x3.

Doing the 3x5 and eating properly, you should do pretty well. This is just a guess, but hitting 225x5 in the squat in a few months shouldn't be a problem.
If you have Madcow's spreadsheets, you could try the advanced 5x5 instead of the intermediate. It has less pyramiding and it has the deloading/intensification phase. Most of the 5x5 sets will be at the same weight with this version, instead of pyramiding upward. I find it works a lot better for strength than the intermediate version. Also, once the 5 sets of 5 is starting to get to be too much, usually around week 4, you drop down to 3x3, which is perfect for me, allows further progression.

You could also try the 3x5 program that liege recommended as well. It's solid. It may be a good idea to do that first to build further conditioning before tackling 5x5.

Also, as liege already pointed out, you will want to eat. You will gain more strength on a calorie excess than you will on maintenance or below.
(liegelord @ Sep. 10 2006,18:46)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">You may want to try Rippletoe's 3x5 program first and then do a 5x5.  I hated the SF 5x5, I hate pyramids.  Some people make progress doing them, but I don't, too many warm ups.  I like doing 3-5 top sets and gain well from them.  For deadlifts I do: 135x4, 225x2, 315x1, 405x1 and then 465x5x3.

Doing the 3x5 and eating properly, you should do pretty well.  This is just a guess, but hitting 225x5 in the squat in a few months shouldn't be a problem.</div>
Couldn't find this on the internet ... is it in the book Starting Strength? Can it be summarized or would I need to order the book?
I think on a basic HIT programme training 10 mins twice a week you would get 200lb squat and dead with very liittle effort.

Those are very low expectations for most people.
(etothepii @ Sep. 11 2006,09:49)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(liegelord @ Sep. 10 2006,18:46)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">You may want to try Rippletoe's 3x5 program first and then do a 5x5. I hated the SF 5x5, I hate pyramids. Some people make progress doing them, but I don't, too many warm ups. I like doing 3-5 top sets and gain well from them. For deadlifts I do: 135x4, 225x2, 315x1, 405x1 and then 465x5x3.

Doing the 3x5 and eating properly, you should do pretty well. This is just a guess, but hitting 225x5 in the squat in a few months shouldn't be a problem.</div>
Couldn't find this on the internet ... is it in the book Starting Strength? Can it be summarized or would I need to order the book?</div>
Try Rippetoe instead of &quot;Rippletoe&quot;. I have the book but it's boxed up to give to my son for his birthday.

Here is one summary that I found. See the post by &quot;cHoo ChOo&quot; at 7:38:19 AM.
that's the routine alright, but &quot;cHoo ChOo&quot; makes a pretty wild claim:

&quot;Now your workout routine, ill set you up on a great routine, once your diet is in check. IM up 8 pounds in 10 days on it. I need to bulk up another 22 pounds before i cut ...&quot;

Wow, 8 pounds in 10 days, I need to go back to the 3x5.
(liegelord @ Sep. 12 2006,01:46)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">that's the routine alright, but &quot;cHoo ChOo&quot; makes a pretty wild claim:

&quot;Now your workout routine, ill set you up on a great routine, once your diet is in check. IM up 8 pounds in 10 days on it. I need to bulk up another 22 pounds before i cut ...&quot;

Wow, 8 pounds in 10 days, I need to go back to the 3x5.
Hehehehe... But anyway, the I like the Rippetoe program. It looks easy to set up, and it would follow my current HST routine well.

I would change one thing:
Switch the pullups and dips around so that each day is more full body, instead of A being more chest, and B being more back.
i've been doing the 5x5 (madcow) for a couple months now and i think its great

the only way you'll know if you hit a plateau is when you hit it...

usually your body will be dead after 8 weeks at which point you should: 1. SD 2. Update your mad cow spread sheet with your new personal records 3. start the next cycle

if you don't set new PRs in the 4-5th week then its time to move on to somthing new

madcow does have another training thing after linear, or you could HST, or do somthing completley different
Well, I'm in starting my fourth week, and here's what's going on:

To start:

Inc. Bench: 145 - 150 lbs
Squat: 185 lbs (ATG)
DL: 185 lbs
Military Press: 110 lbs
Bent Over Rows: 110 lbs


Inc. Bench: 153 lbs
Squat: 195 lbs (ATG)
DL: 210 lbs
Military Press: 112 lbs
Bent Over Rows: 118 lbs

Increasing in the legs has been very easy. Upper body is more of a challenge. Military press and BOR should both go up another 2 lbs each this week. Squats up to 200 in my next workout too.

I'd like to stick with this for several more weeks, but my body weight is up to 165, and my pants are getting very tight!!! Can't afford a new wardrobe right now, so cutting may be a couple weeks away...