Maintaining Condition


New Member
Hi all,

I was just wondering what I would need to do in order to maintain my current muscle mass.

A combination of niggling injuries and a heavy work load have prevented me from eating enough or training effectively of late. I've lost about 12lbs over the past two months. I'm 6'4 and currently weighing in at about 194lbs.

I see no point in continuing with HST until I can get back in to a consistent eating/exercise regime.

Therefore I would like to know what is the least I could do just to maintain what I have.

How often should I train and what loads would I need to use? 10 rep max?

I think I read something a long time ago that working out once a week would be sufficient.

Any ideas?

Yeah, I've read a comment from Bryan stating that once a week training is sufficient as well. As you probably guessed, it should be full body. I'd probably do two sets for each movement, around 8 reps or so. Around 10 movements or so. That's just what I would choose. You could take your typical routine and just do that, though I would still suggest higher volume than you would use during HST.

If you are having trouble getting enough calories, you can try some tricks, like adding olive oil to your protein shakes (if you drink them) to get a huge calorie boost and things of that sort.
If injuries allow, go with this:

Deads/squats/leg press
BB/T-bar rows
Incline bench
DB Press

2 sets of 5-8 reps, 1 metabolic set.

High rep work only (12 or so) for bis and tris

If you're looking @ once a week that is.
Once a week would be good, twice max.

So if I understand correctly I do either deads, squats or leg press. Not all three? Given my height would leg press be a better option for me?

By metabolic set do you mean drop set? If so that would mean three sets per exercise right?

You recommended higher reps for bi's and tri's but there are no direct bicep or tricep exercises included. Should there be?

I find it really difficult and unnatural to eat big. I've tried a few times and keep falling off the band wagon. The results just have'nt been there for me. For the time being I just want to insure I dont lose anymore of the little muscle mass I have.

Thanks for your help.
