Joint aches after last WO of 5s


New Member
I thought I just posted this but it disappeared somehow. If it shows up in some other forum, apologies.

I just finished the 6th session of 5s and some of my joints are aching a little more/longer than normal. I've been doing 2 work sets and a drop set for each of about 12 exercises. I've been doing warmups on squats, bench and SLDL. I'm wondering if I should pass on the 5s/negatives that hit the problem joints (hip and knee mostly) or just start eating aleve and work through it carefully. Would taking NSAIDs for a couple weeks impede protein synthesis to the point of nullifying any gains for this time?

Aches & pains in the joints & connecting areas are common during the 5s, as things are getting heavy. That's why sometimes it's a relief to end the cycle!

BTW, you would only want to do drops on the final movement for a muscle group, not every one. So if you incline DBs and then dips, only do them for the dips.

I'll opt not to address the medication issue.