Quote[/b] (xtreme @ Jan. 15 2006,10:32)]Jester, being true to your name, I will clarify some of the misconceptions you spew out as obviously you can't grasp the meaning of what I wrote.
"Genetics is the LAMEST excuse for lack of progress and success in building a muscular body. They were human beings, you're a human being. Get over your excuse of genetics."
WHAT THE... Are you seriously saying we all possess untapped Mentzer potential?

I wish!!!
"Do you see grotesquely obese or skeletal lions or dolphins or grizzly bears or eagles..?"
And what prey tell does that have to do with my JRep gains?
"Just like your reason for an average body is your training and diet since childhood, not your genetics. Get over it."
Never said that! Just there are training methods and there are training methods, some more efficient than others. I have done quite well thankyou, coming a long way from the skeleton I started at. How about you?
"There is no evidence that "JReps" are effective. Aren't you understanding this...? No one has provided EVIDENCE...claims rife with deficiency, yes... there's a few of those floating around in this discussion."
Oh but there is... those who have, and are still using it with great success... you're neysaying can't change that!
"Wow, you lost fat... there's half a planet doing this, congratulations on your new club membership."
Where did you pull that one from? I never said that! I am still 104, that is my steady weight, but I have reshaped certain muscle groups... whether you want to believe that or not. So watch what you are saying as you ARE acting the "Jester" when you are completely out of context.
"Have you seen Tot's pictures? The guy is ripped @ a 200+ (or there abouts, not sure on the exact-down-to-the-pound) weight."
And more power to him! I am happy, sincerely happy, if my fellow brother in iron has found his niche and is gaining. Unlike others here it seems, unless you give something close to blood no-one else must be. JReps work <PERIOD>!
"Again I say wow... people started going to the gym and put on weight. He went from 68 to 70kgs you say...?? Well the only way this can happen is with a caloric surplus...so he gained weight by eating more food... stop the press folks..."
Oh Jester, what am I going to do with you? He was training 3 months before I took him under my wing, I switched him to HIT twice weekly and he gained. Stop trying to read between the lines and making yourself out some type of expert. At 22 you have barely scratched the surface of what your needs truly are when it comes to training, so don't try and ridicule someone who knows themselves inside and out!
Btw, your birth date didn't pass my attention <13 Dec. 1983> I clearly see you're quite the authority! I was in hard training for 6 years by then, squatting while you were still learning to walk or wipe your butt! Obviously you know much more than I do, being half my age and all, I can't wait for your e-book to come out... can I place an early order???
Go have a laydown with a bottle of milk, it will do you the world of good and you might feel better about JReps when you wake up.
I was in Bagdad when you were in your Dad's bags! LOL
"Well you see, no one is willing to spend $$$ without evidence of method and/or results...there's that word again, evidence."
Well keep your wallet firmly in your pocket, that suites me. I couldn't care less if you never did a JRep in your life! That would have no effects - positive or negative - upon my own training. I tried to enlighten you all on what I - and others - have seen using JReps but you just don't get it.
Just because I'm not going to spoon feed you I am the "bad guy". Come now, back in November I didn't know what JReps were either but as my gains are important to me I made the decision and effort to find out. It has paid off handsomely, money AND effort well spent.