It will Kill you, creatine that is!


New Member
Look at this idiotic and fraudulent bunch of crap.....
stupid overtraining idiot screws up, blames suppliment instead of self.


Bigger, stronger ... but at a terrible cost: Bodybuilder undergoes battery of surgeries to save life, legs
by Mike Archbold
Journal Reporter

A deep blue and red scar carves the skin on the outside of both of Travis Starkovich's legs, from his hips to his ankles.

Orthopedic surgeons' scalpels have sliced them open again and again over the past five months to save his life and legs.

The 22-year-old would-be bodybuilder has endured 15 operations on his legs in the past five months. There could be three or four more to come. He can stand and walk although he tires easily. Falling over can be a sudden and painful mishap.

The good news is that he didn't lose his legs, but he knows he will never have full use of them again. His kidneys and liver also failed, but now are on the mend.

What happened to Starkovich last fall might have overwhelmed a less strong-willed young man.

He has endured because he is stubborn, he said, and now wants to bring a message to anyone who will listen, particularly young athletes and their parents about the dangers of creatine, a popular over-the-counter muscle-building supplement.

``I hope to tell my story as much as possible,'' he said last week sitting in the living room of his mother's home in Selleck, a small community east of Covington. ``If I save one life, I've done my job.''

Training aimed at show

Last summer, the Muckleshoot Casino security guard began seriously training as a bodybuilder. The Washington State Figure Fitness and Bodybuilding Championships were scheduled for Oct. 23 in Auburn and he aimed his training at the show.

At the Auburn and Kent fitness centers where he trained, other bodybuilders took creatine and other supplements as well as steroids to obtain the finely sculpted bodies they sought. Everyone did it, he said. He got a personal trainer to help advise him on nutrition and supplements.

Starkovich said he never took steroids and no one ever recommended he take creatine. But he remembered from high school when he took the creatine for a month, how much it helped develop his muscles and increase his performance at cross country running.

Each morning and evening for three and half months leading up to the bodybuilding competition he took the recommended dose of 5 grams. A month's supply cost him about $50.

He took other supplements like the other bodybuilders: glutamine, a thermogenic and a high protein shake.

He trained hard: two hours each morning and then again in the evening. The regimen was working. At one point, the 5-foot 9-inch Starkovich weighed 215 pounds with 2 percent body fat. His biceps had grown by nearly three inches. When he flexed, the striations in his muscles where visible. He also was dieting hard to bring his weight down and further sculpt his body.

Legs started cramping

Then about a week before the competition, his urine suddenly turned very dark and his legs started cramping. He thought his electrolytes were screwed up. The urine cleared up.

Then three days before the competition, his urine again turned black. He felt weak and tired. The cramping became worse. He went to Highline Community Hospital in Burien on a Thursday to find out what was wrong. No one knew, but they told him his creatine level was at 3,500; the normal level in a human body is 50 to 100. He came back for blood work the next day. His creatine level hit 9,000.

``It scared the hell out of me,'' he said. ``The cramping was like someone on each side of me hitting my legs with a sledge hammer.''

On Saturday, he went by ambulance to Harborview Medical Center. He was in a fight for his life. He would stay at Harborview for 5½ weeks.

By then his legs were so cramped up, he was put on morphine. They began to swell. His heartbeat climbed to 120 and stayed there for a week. His kidney and liver began shutting down.

``I don't remember much the first two weeks,'' he said.

The only way to find out what was wrong with his legs was to look inside. What they found, he said, was decaying muscle.

``After the fourth day they wanted to amputate both legs at the hip,'' he said. ``They were afraid the decay would spread to my lower intestines.''

Cutting out dead muscle

The surgeons began cutting out the dead muscle out of his legs. In its place, new bones began to grow. That, too, had to be cut out, he said.

Even now a second femur bone lies close to the skin in his upper left leg. Rapping it with his knuckle, it sounds like a piece of hard wood. It has to come out. There are other bone growths, too. One almost poked through his skin before it was removed.

What caused all the problems?

``The doctors (at Harborview) told me it was the creatine,'' he said. ``My body wouldn't process it.'' It ended up poisoning him.

The process was quiet and insidious. ``It came on so quickly, I had no idea what was going on,'' he said. ``If it can happen to me it can happen to anyone.''

That's why he wants to warn people about the dangers of supplements, especially creatine that can be taken like candy without a doctor's guidance.

``Those taking the stuff right now they may be fine but in three years or 10 years, they will have problems,'' he said. ``Most of your teenage guys don't know the physiology of how the body works, how creatine works and protein works in the body.''

Danger to young athletes?

Like many creatine users, he heard about it at the gym. The nutrition stores that sell it issues warnings, he said.

``I know high school athletes are taking it.'' he added.

He said his doctors at Harborview want him to talk to the University of Washington Sports Medicine Clinic about his case and the consequences of his creatine use.

What happened to him may not happen to everyone. But Starkovich is convinced that creatine use will lead to physical problems later on.

In a Journal report last summer on teenage athletes and use of supplements, most Eastside coaches said they don't endorse players' use of creatine.

One athlete said he and his teammates don't take creatine simply because there are too many things they don't know about its side effects.

There are no long-term studies on creatine but there have been complaints about dehydration, cramping and nausea as well as kidney problems.

Starkovich's case is rare but no one disputes the possibility of damage to the body from the use of creatine and other supplements.

He can stand and walk now though he tires easily. He can't fully bend his legs. New bone growth has locked his knees. He still doesn't know yet how much use of his leg he will have in the future.

Praise for Haborview staff

He praised the Harborview physicians and staff who never gave up on him. His employer has also been supportive, extending his health insurance to cover the cost of his medical care that already is near $500,000. He also thanks God and the prayers offered up by fellow Mormons for his ongoing recovery.

His plan once his operations are over is to begin a nursing course at Green River Community College this fall, even if he has to do it in a wheelchair.

And he will continue to speak out about creatine to whomever will listen.

Starkovich's struggle is far from over but he said it is getting better. ``You have good days and bad days,'' he said.


PHOTOS: by Gary Kissel/Journal: 1) Travis Starkovich, 22, says his legs were almost destroyed by creatine, a muscle-building supplement he took. He is now talking to athletes about the dangers of the popular supplement. 2) Travis Starkovich has had numerous surgeries o both his legs to remove dead muscle and new bone growth.

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Yep Brian,you know that and I know that and most people that study the issue know that (I presume) , we have studys that say that ephedra is safe as well

this guy is getting PAYED to give speeches about how it "will eventualy definitely harm you"

its just galling, as it may be another suppliment on the Feds hit list, but first they have to promote mass hysteria and disinformation saturation first, as per usual.
Ephedra is banned as of Friday, based on the mis-use by a few morons out there. They might as well ban everything because anything can kill you if mis-used. In this guys case it must've been a 1 in 6 billion fluke.

Does this mean ECA stacks are out on Friday?
Will they ban food also? Food abuse can have severe negative side effects such as obesity.
I saw the thread about this guy on another board.
He claimed 2% BF and that he was training 4 hours a day.
Such a joke, it doesn't even deserve any comment.
Yeah all the pros use creatine for contest prep!!!

New boned growth over his knees???

Can you say GH??!

I'd say the pharmaceutical lobby is pouring money into this guys.
LOL- good one, ilFacell! Actually, there are some really strange things about this story. First of all, $50/month for his creatine? Wow! He must have been taking gold-plated stuff. Second, his "creatine level" (whatever that means) went from 3500 to 9000 overnight? I have a *really*, *REALLY* hard time believing that he was creatine-toxic from 5GM/day- that's just so over the top, but then on top of that, why would his level more than double within 24 hours, *after* having taken it for so long already. And *what* creatine level? They did a muscle biospy? Or just a blood test?
I'll tell you what was probably wrong with this guy (that's assuming this is a true story) - he more than just overtrained- he gave himself rhabdomyolysis. Basically, he trained so impossibly hard that his muscles started dissolving, literally. This can happen spontaneously in people working out like this (although incredibly rare- there have been several case reports), but more usually as a result of some other condition, or in some really rare cases, with exposure to cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins). That "black" urine? Most likely free hemoglobin and myoglobin from his dissolved muscle, and that will cause kidney failure, which, BTW, is diagnosed by *CREATININE*, NOT *creatine*. Could his creatinine levels be so high as 3500? Very, very doubtful. Normal is 0.6-1.2. As a reference, a creatinine of 2.0 means that about 50% of your kidney function is shot; 4.0, 25%, and so on. It's too late in the afternoon- I can't begin to think how little kidney function you'd have left with a creatinine of 3500, much less 9000.
Anyway, this story is so bogus, but it's not laughable. Not that I think everyone should take creatinine, but it sure would be nice to see come accuracy when it comes to supplements.
And, there's so much confusion about creatinine vs. creatine- look at which is a relatively innocuous site on which the two are confused. UGH!

Sorry for the rant!
What kills me is that the guy is taking creatine and admits to taking steroids and it's the creatine that caused the problem.

Now, I don't think it was the steroids that did this but...

What else was this idiot taking? Insulin? DNP?

The guy probably got ahold of some drug that's not even for bodybuilders and used it and caused his kidneys to fail. Then when the doctors mentioned that his creatinine levels were high, assumed that it was creatine.

I actually fired off a message to the guy that wrote the story telling him he was irresponsible.
Could have been caused by many things....
South Med J. 1997 May;90(5):548-51. Related Articles, Links

When exercise goes awry: exertional rhabdomyolysis.

Hamer R.

Department of Student Health, University of California, Santa Barbara, USA.

Exertional rhabdomyolysis occurs when exercise, often of the eccentric type, damages myofibrils and sarcolemma, with release of the enzyme creatine kinase and pigmented myoglobin into the serum. Severe muscle soreness and dark urine are the hallmark symptoms, and renal failure may develop. Formerly a disease of military recruits, it is now seen more often in exercisers. Although a genetic trait may predispose, the illness probably can be avoided by common sense behavior such as a gradual increase in exercise intensity, proper hydration before, during, and after exercise, and avoiding exercise in extremely hot or humid environments.

Publication Types:
Case Reports

PMID: 9160079 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Adverse events associated with eccentric exercise protocols: six case studies.
Sayers SP, Clarkson PM, Rouzier PA, Kamen G.
Department of Exercise Science and the University Health Services, University of Massachusetts, Amherst 01003, USA.
PURPOSE: Rhabdomyolysis is a condition characterized by muscle damage and degeneration of muscle cells after strenuous, overexertion exercise. Although the incidence of severe rhabdomyolysis is rare, this condition can be dangerous and even fatal. Eccentric exercise protocols are currently being used to induce and study mild forms of muscle damage. However, serious adverse events can occur in these laboratory investigations. The purpose of this report was to expose some of the adverse events resulting from performance of eccentric exercise protocols to study muscle damage in humans. METHODS: The following case studies involved an eccentric exercise protocol where two sets of 25 maximal eccentric actions of the elbow flexors were performed, separated by a 5-min rest period. RESULTS: Case reports are presented that reveal prolonged losses in the ability of the muscle to generate force lasting 43-47 d, extreme swelling of the exercised arm lasting several weeks, and greatly elevated serum creatine kinase levels. CONCLUSIONS: Although adverse events resulting from eccentric exercise are rare, our laboratory has observed a 3% incidence rate during the past year. Investigators should be knowledgeable of the sequelae of events that are associated with muscle damage after high-force eccentric exercise and take appropriate precautions.
Methamphetamine abuse and rhabdomyolysis in the ED: a 5-year study.
Richards JR, Johnson EB, Stark RW, Derlet RW.
Division of Emergency Medicine, University of California, Davis Medical Center, Sacramento, USA.
Patients with methamphetamine toxicity are presenting in greater numbers each year to emergency departments (ED) in the US. These patients are frequently agitated, violent, and often require physical and chemical restraint. The incidence and risk of rhabdomyolysis in this subpopulation is unknown. We conducted a 5-year retrospective review of all ED patients who received the final diagnosis of rhabdomyolysis. Patients with toxicology screens positive for methamphetamine were identified, and demographics, laboratory results, resource utilization, disposition, and outcome were compared to the remaining patients. Of the total 367 patients identified, 166 (43%) were toxicology positive for methamphetamine. Methamphetamine patients differed significantly from nonmethamphetamine patients with regard to demographics and hospital utilization. Methamphetamine patients had significantly higher mean initial creatine phosphokinase (CK), 12,439 U/L versus 5,678 U/L (P = 0.02), and lower mean peak CK, 16,827 U/L versus 19,426 U/L (P = 0.03). The development of acute renal failure was not significantly different between the 2 groups. There were 16 total deaths in the study population, 11 from concomitant infection/sepsis. An association between methamphetamine abuse and rhabdomyolysis may exist, and CK should be measured in the ED as a screen for potential muscle injury in this subpopulation. Patients with rhabdomyolysis with an unclear cause should be screened for methamphetamine or other illicit drugs.
Drug-induced rhabdomyolysis.
Coco TJ, Klasner AE.
Department of Pediatrics, University of Alabama School of Medicine, Birmingham, Alabama 35233, USA.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Drug-induced rhabdomyolysis is a common syndrome that is complex and potentially life threatening. This article reviews the pathophysiology, clinical presentations, and common compounds that cause drug-induced rhabdomyolysis. RECENT FINDINGS: The list of drugs and inciting agents that cause rhabdomyolysis is quite extensive. Rhabdomyolysis is defined as skeletal muscle injury that leads to the lysis of muscle cells and the leakage of myocyte contents into the extracellular compartments. The presenting clinical features are myalgias, myoglobinuria, and an elevated serum creatine kinase. There have been several case reports in the literature involving some common pediatric drugs that are associated with rhabdomyolysis. Diphenhydramine, Ecstasy, and baclofen have recently been implicated as the etiology of drug-induced rhabdomyolysis in several pediatric patients. Alkalinization of the urine is a controversial treatment of drug-induced rhabdomyolysis and has proven to be beneficial in some patients. SUMMARY: A high index of suspicion, early recognition, and adequate treatment will result in an excellent prognosis of drug-induced rhabdomyolysis.
PMID: 15021204 [PubMed - in process]
The other medical causes of rhabdomyolysis.
Allison RC, Bedsole DL.
Division of Pulmonary andCritical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, University of South Alabama College of Medicine, Medical Center, 2451 Fillingim Street, Suite 10-G, Mobile, AL 36617, USA.
Rhabdomyolysis is the clinical and laboratory syndrome resulting from skeletal muscle injury and release of potentially toxic substances into the circulation. The severity of rhabdomyolysis varies widely from asymptomatic elevation of muscle enzymes to the life-threatening complications of acute renal failure and severe electrolyte abnormalities. The etiology of rhabdomyolysis may be considered under 4 categories: (1) trauma or direct injury, (2) excessive muscle activity, (3) hereditary muscle enzyme defects, and (4) other less obvious medical causes. The latter medical causes may be subdivided into the following: (1) drugs and toxins, (2) muscle hypoxia, (3) metabolic and endocrine disorders, (4) infections, (5) temperature alterations, and (6) miscellaneous causes. The diagnosis of rhabdomyolysis depends on recognizing the symptoms of muscle pain and weakness, detecting the presence of or history of red-to-brown urine (myoglobinuria), and finding short-term elevations of creatine kinase that are not attributable to myocardial infarction or inflammatory myopathies. The major therapeutic goal is to recognize and treat complications as soon as possible, particularly electrolyte abnormalities and acute renal failure. Knowledge of the other medical causes of rhabdomyolysis allows one to identify and treat this potentially serious condition in otherwise occult cases.
Publication Types:
Review, Tutorial
PMID: 12920439 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Guttman-Yassky E, Hayek T, Muchnik L, Bergman R.
Acute rhabdomyolysis and myoglobinuria associated with isotretinoin treatment.
Int J Dermatol. 2003 Jun;42(6):499-500. No abstract available.
PMID: 12786885 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Importance of early identification of methylenedioxymethamphetamine ('ecstasy') ingestion in victims of motor vehicle accidents.
Weinbroum AA.
Post-Anesthesia Care Unit, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center and the Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel.
The blood of motor vehicle accident victims is routinely screened upon their arrival at the emergency services mainly for alcohol, unless the suspicion of a specific compound arises. Two young men who sustained severe internal and orthopaedic injuries after a motor vehicle accident are described. The conscious patient denied their having used stupefacients, but toxicological analysis upon arrival at the operating room detected methylenedioxymethamphetamine, the metabolite methylenedioxyamphetamine and methamphetamine in their blood and urine specimens. Methylenedioxymethamphetamine concentrations in the clotted blood and in the urine ranged between 0.9-1.15 and 55-70 mg/l, respectively. Methylenedioxyamphetamine concentrations for both patients were less than 0.2 mg/l in the blood and 2.0-3.0 mg/l in the urine. Each had a blood methamphetamine concentration greater than 250 ng/ml. There was no trace of alcohol. Three days after their arrival at the hospital, acute liver insufficiency and mild rhabdomyolysis (serum glutamate-pyruvate transaminase/serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase 1245/218 mU/ml, creatine phosphokinase 48 000 U/ml, respectively) were diagnosed in both patients. Appropriate treatment was administered in an intensive care area and both were discharged home several weeks later without sequelae. These findings suggest that in this era of the widespread abuse of 'ecstasy', concentrations of methylenedioxymethamphetamine, methylenedioxyamphetamine or metamphetamine should be sought routinely in motor vehicle accident victims admitted to emergency services with an altered state of consciousness so that the early monitoring of the potential development of organ pathology can be implemented.
Publication Types:
Case Reports
PMID: 12637856 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE
Hypothyroidism as a cause of rhabdomyolysis.
Barahona MJ, Mauri A, Sucunza N, Paredes R, Wagner AM.
Department of Endocrinology and Nutrition, Hospital Sant Pau, 08025 Barcelona, Spain.
We describe a patient presenting with muscular symptoms and rhabdomyolysis without any other precipitating factor, except primary hypothyroidism. After thyroxine replacement, musculoskeletal symptoms disappeared and creatine kinase concentrations decreased. Hypothyroidism is a rare cause of rhabdomyolysis, but should always be considered in a patient with an unexplained increase in creatine kinase concentrations
Laforet P, Wary C, Duteil S, de Kerviler E, Carlier PG, Lombes A, Romero NB, Fardeau M, Eymard B, Leroy-Willig A.
Institut de Myologie, Federation de Neurologie Mazarin, Hopital de la Salpetriere, Paris.
One hundred patients presenting with exercise intolerance or rhabdomyolysis episodes have been examined successively by 31P Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) of leg plantar flexor muscles with exercise test. In all cases a muscle biopsy was performed. At the end of investigations, diagnosis of a metabolic myopathy was made in 33 patients: glycogenolysis or glycolysis deficiency in 8 cases, mitochondrial myopathy in 24 cases and CPT II deficiency in one case. Muscular dystrophy or congenital myopathy were diagnosed in 6 cases. No precise etiology could be found in 30 patients with either high CK levels or muscle biopsy abnormalities. Seven patients had rhabdomyolysis related to excessive physical activities. Twenty-four patients had functional symptoms. The principal MRS parameters used for diagnosis were the values of intracellular pH at the end of exercise and the time constant of phosphocreatine resynthesis during recovery. Lack of acidosis after exercise was observed in all patients with blockade of glycogenolysis or glycolysis. A slowing in phosphocreatine resynthesis was found in 66 p.cent of patients with definite mitochondrial myopathy. The specificity of these parameters were respectively 92.4 p.cent and 85.5 p.cent for the two groups. In conclusion (31)P MRS allows the detection of muscular glycogenoses with a sensitivity close to 100 p.cent. However, its sensitivity was lower for the detection of mitochondrial myopathies, as is also known for the other in vivo metabolic investigations, reflecting the heterogeneity of expression of mitochondrial abnormalities in a given muscle. The integration of imaging in the examination protocol may help to orientate towards the diagnostic of a dystrophy in some patients.
Acute renal failure with severe loin pain and patchy renal ischemia after anaerobic exercise in patients with or without renal hypouricemia.
Ishikawa I.
Division of Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine, Kanazawa Medical University Uchinada, Ishikawa, Japan.
Acute renal failure induced by rhabdomyolysis after strenuous exercise is well known. We describe here a new type of acute renal failure with severe loin pain which develops after anaerobic exercise (ALPE), for example, 200-meter track racing. The patients complained of severe loin pain several hours after exercise and presented at the emergency room. Since our first description 118 cases have been reported. The serum creatinine concentration was 4.7 +/- 2.9 mg/dl (mean +/- SD) at the initial examination and 6.0 +/- 3.0 mg/dl at maximum. Forty-nine of 96 cases whose serum uric acid levels were described revealed renal hypouricemia (51.0%). A specific risk factor is suggested by the fact that acute renal failure recurred after exercise in 20 of 118 cases. The creatine phosphokinase and serum myoglobin concentrations were normal or only slightly elevated, suggesting damaged type 2 muscle fibers. Renal computed tomography scans, performed several hours to 1-2 days after contrast medium administration, revealed multiple wedge-shaped areas of contrast enhancement. Forty-six of 50 cases examined by delayed computed tomography scan revealed bilateral wedge-shaped contrast enhancement. Although less efficient, radioisotopic scans, such as a methylene diphosphonate bone scan, have also been employed to detect patchy accumulation of isotopes in the kidneys (12 of 19 cases). The pathogenesis of ALPE may be patchy vasoconstriction of the renal vessels, because of its wedge-shaped distribution and its reversibility. Such vascular spasm would account for the renal pain. The prognosis was good, although 20 of 109 cases required dialysis treatment. In conclusion, there are two types of exercise-induced acute renal failure: one is the well-known myoglobin-induced acute renal failure, and the other is ALPE that may be nonmyoglobin induced or induced by myolysis of type 2 muscle fibers due to anaerobic exercise. One hundred and eighteen cases of ALPE were collected from the literature, and half of the cases were found to display renal hypouricemia. Copyright 2002 S. Karger AG, Basel
Evaluation of aminotransferase elevations in a bodybuilder using anabolic steroids: hepatitis or rhabdomyolysis?
Pertusi R, Dickerman RD, McConathy WJ.
Department of Medicine, University of North Texas Health Science Center, 3500 Camp Bowie Blvd, Fort Worth, TX 76107-2699, USA.
The use of anabolic steroids among competitive athletes, particularly bodybuilders, is widespread. Numerous reports have noted "hepatic" dysfunction secondary to anabolic steroid use based on elevated serum aminotransferase levels. The authors' objective was to assess whether primary care physicians accurately distinguish between anabolic steroid-induced hepatotoxicity and serum aminotransferase elevations that are secondary to acute rhabdomyolysis resulting from intense resistance training. Surveys were sent to physicians listed as practicing family medicine or sports medicine in the yellow pages of seven metropolitan areas. Physicians were asked to provide a differential diagnosis for a 28-year-old, anabolic steroid-using male bodybuilder with an abnormal serum chemistry profile. The blood chemistries showed elevated aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and creatine kinase (CK) levels, and normal gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) levels. In the physician survey (n = 84 responses), 56% failed to mention muscle damage or muscle disease as a potential diagnosis, despite the markedly elevated CK level of the patient. Sixty-three percent indicated liver disease as their primary diagnosis despite normal GGT levels. Prior reports of anabolic steroid-induced hepatotoxicity that were based on aminotransferase elevations may have overstated the role of anabolic steroids. Correspondingly, the medical community may have been led to emphasize anabolic steroid-induced hepatotoxicity and disregard muscle damage when interpreting elevated aminotransferase levels. Therefore, when evaluating enzyme elevations in patients who use anabolic steroids, physicians should consider the CK and GGT levels as essential elements in distinguishing muscle damage from liver damage.
Exertional rhabdomyolysis in a body builder abusing anabolic androgenic steroids.
Braseth NR, Allison EJ Jr, Gough JE.
Department of Emergency Medicine, East Carolina University School of Medicine, Greenville, North Carolina 27858-4354, USA.
Rhabdomyolysis, or acute skeletal muscle destruction, may be accompanied by myoglobinaemia, myoglobinuria, and an elevated serum creatine kinase level. This disorder has many potential causes. In this article, the authors describe a case of rhabdomyolysis occurring after vigorous weight lifting by a man who was supplementing his weight-training programme with the intake of anabolic androgenic steroids dispensed to him by a colleague.
Acute quadriceps compartment syndrome and rhabdomyolysis in a weight lifter using high-dose creatine supplementation.
Robinson SJ.
Department of Family Practice, MacDill Air Force Base, Fla 33621, USA.
: J Am Board Fam Pract. 2000 Mar-Apr;13(2):150-1. Related Articles, Links
Comment on:
J Am Board Fam Pract. 2000 Mar-Apr;13(2):134-7.
Does creatine supplementation increase the risk of rhabdomyolysis?
Juhn MS.
[A case of rhabdomyolysis with water intoxication confirmed by muscle biopsy]
[Article in Japanese]
Nagata T, Aoki M, Kato H, Mochizuki H, Tateyama M, Itoyama Y.
Department of Neurology, Tohoku University School of Medicine, Sendai, Japan.
A 32-year-old woman with chronic schizophrenia who took 8-10 liters of water for three years due to thirsty, admitted to our hospital because of convulsion and muscle weakness. Neurological finding on admission showed a mild disturbance of consciousness, moderate proximal muscle weakness, and muscle pain. Laboratory examination revealed marked serum hyponatremia(102 mEq/l) and high value of creatin kinase (1,259 IU/l). The level of creatin kinase reached a peak(39,700 IU/l) at the 5th hospital day. An analysis of the muscle biopsy specimen showed necrotic muscle fibers and opaque fibers, that was compatible with rhabdomyolysis. T 2 weighted magnetic resonance imaging of the brain showed a transient high signals in bilateral putamen but not in pons. She was diagnosed to have rhabdomyolysis due to water intoxication. The present case is the first rhabdomyolysis in Japan that was confirmed by muscle biopsy at an acute stage of water intoxication related with schizophrenia.
There are many ways that creatine can kill you.

If you had a 50kg bucket of creatine and threw it at someone really hard, you might kill them.

If you made up a creatine solution in a bath tub and held someone down you could kill them.

You cold bungy jump into a tub of creatine with a dodgey rope. That might kill you as well.
oh jesus...there are a lot of cool guys in the us (looking in to the direction of bryan and others) but sometimes....theres also a big bunch of crap in your country...(europeans will agree on that one... ;) )

the HEALT-DANGER NR 1 in your lovely country is simply the fatty unhealthy food a lot of american just fill in...its nr 1 without any competition...what does that show? you should ban things like creatine? well ban alcohol as well, as well as cigarrets, as well as hamburgers and fatty food...

NO, that just shows that the stupidity of the people will harm themselves and the It wont change anything if you just take such products from the have to change the people!

(for sure youll die if you eat plane creatine for 50 $ a month, oh my god how much is that?:confused:? thats about 90gr a day?? jesus....)
[b said:
Quote[/b] (::Pixel.Freak:: @ April 11 2004,11:57)]Just noticed there is a Pencil Neck on the board. That isn't Pencil Neck Watson is it ?
I would be Watson.

Feeling a little out of place in a bodybuilder forum, though... :)
I am very curious, why did his effects happen after only 3.5 months of use but later he said it might take 3 to 10 years to develop symptoms.

By the way great posts GUYS, especially you R_Coyote that was great info on exertional rhabdomyolysis.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Insane_Man @ April 08 2004,1:22)]HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I saw the thread about this guy on another board.
He claimed 2% BF and that he was training 4 hours a day.
Such a joke, it doesn't even deserve any comment.
Yeah all the pros use creatine for contest prep!!!
New boned growth over his knees???
Can you say GH??!
I'd say the pharmaceutical lobby is pouring money into this guys.
I don't get it--what's in in for big pharm?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Catalonia @ April 20 2004,9:02)]I don't get it--what's in in for big pharm?
More regulation means more money for them. That's where most of the heat behind the whole ephedrine thing came from.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Insane_Man @ April 20 2004,11:02)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Catalonia @ April 20 2004,9
2)]I don't get it--what's in in for big pharm?
More regulation means more money for them. That's where most of the heat behind the whole ephedrine thing came from.
Ok, but do you know how it works? That is, why would regulating the substance translate into higher profit margins? I mean--you can't sell it if it's banned, or does it simply put up a barrier in order to ensure that only the major players can sell it?
To Jake
you say:
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Most likely free hemoglobin and myoglobin from his dissolved muscle, and that will cause kidney failure, which, BTW, is diagnosed by *CREATININE*, NOT *creatine*. Could his creatinine levels be so high as 3500? Very, very doubtful. Normal is 0.6-1.2. As a reference, a creatinine of 2.0 means that about 50% of your kidney function is shot; 4.0, 25%, and so on. It's too late in the afternoon- I can't begin to think how little kidney function you'd have left with a creatinine of 3500, much less 9000.
Anyway, this story is so bogus, but it's not laughable. Not that I think everyone should take creatinine, but it sure would be nice to see come accuracy when it comes to supplements.
And, there's so much confusion about creatinine vs. creatine- look at which is a relatively innocuous site on which the two are confused. UGH!
I have a comment on that..
as can be also seen in a post by Mr B.Haycock which is entitled 'Topic: Supplements, Creatine, EFAs, Glutamine, HMB, various' in the HST FAQ....
Creatinine can be related to the intake of creatine.
and I Quote from that posting
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Once creatine stores are full in muscle tissue, it doesn't matter whether you take 5 grams or 10 grams, the muscle won't take in any more because it downregulates the creatine transporters until no more creatine can be taken in. Insulin or no insulin, if there are no transporters, no creatine is being taken up into muscle tissue. It is simply being broken down into creatinine and peed out.
so one possible(but not necessary the one) scenario is that this guy took too much creatine like a barrel a day
and because the muscle tissue couldnt take no more, it was broken into creatinine and peed out. I am sure that the doctors explained to him(unless they dont know what they are talking about) that the high level of creatinine in his pee indicates that he might have taken too much creatine and his body couldnt take anymore so it was broken down into creatinine and peed out..
Of course it was easier to blame the creatine. Did you really expect the guy to admit he is stupid?
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Catalonia @ April 21 2004,3:00)]Ok, but do you know how it works? That is, why would regulating the substance translate into higher profit margins? I mean--you can't sell it if it's banned, or does it simply put up a barrier in order to ensure that only the major players can sell it?
I have no idea how he thinks regulating creatine might help pharma companies, but banning ephedra while leaving ephedrine on the market isn't too bad for them. It basically means you can no longer get the herbal supplement for x dollars a dose and have to buy the decongestant/cold medicine for y dollars a dose, where y is more expensive than x and the money goes to the pharma companies.

The real drive would be from government, because it's their power and budget that increases directly as a result of every new task they gladly take upon themselves to protect us from ourselves. The pharma companies benefit only in that they get to function in a managed market where competition is put out of business because of high regulatory costs and restrictions on what can be sold.