Final critique please


Well-Known Member
Hey, was just wondering if I could get a quick check on the numbers here for my 5x5 SF training...first timer.

Maxes for 5 reps
Bench - 100kg, 5kg increment
Dead - 130kg, 7.5kg increment
BB row - 107.5kg, 5kg increment
Squat - 80kg, 5kg increment - yeh, these are laggin
...I haven't done them in a LONG time..until just recently...

So, for Monday first week I'm going to to go these numbers on the 5th sets:
Bench 90kg
Row 97.5kg
Dead 105kg
Squat 65kg

Wednesday - Light Day
Squat 4x5
High Pull 4x5
Chin 4x5 - not exactly sure of which weight to use
Military 4x5 - use my 5RM

Friday - Med Day
Bench - triple @ 92.5kg
Row - triple @ 100kg
Dead - triple @ 110kg
Squat - triple @ 70kg
So am I in the ball park ?

Key thing to note for my goals is that Deads >>> Squats for me....but I want to bring everything up. It looks like a lot of work, but considering that the first 3 sets each day are not even approaching 5RM...

Oh and I figured I'd use 10kg increases between warmup the guides all go with 20lbs for this weight range.

EF sample