Hi all,
I've done my fair share of rack squats in the past (set the safety stands below parallel, begin the squat from the bottom position each rep) and would like to see if anyone has thought about differences between box-squats and rack-squats. From the little that I've read, it looks like the same thing is accomplished with either method. That is, relaxation of the hip flexors and beginning the movement from the 'static' position.
Quoting Louie Simmons:
"Static work overcome by dynamic action’ builds explosive strength best. This is precisely what a box squat provides. In addition, you are always breaking parallel. One can also train much lighter; 50-60% of a contest max is all that is necessary to make progress if you keep the lifts explosive and accelerate the bar."
What led me to this was that I have a tendency to have my right knee come in a little when squatting heavy. I have semi-flat feet, and I'm wondering if the foot pronation that I experience leads to this happening, and if I can overcome it by simply doing wide-stance rack/box squats as I've seen recommended a couple of times on old archives of misc.fitness.weights.
Any thoughts?
I've done my fair share of rack squats in the past (set the safety stands below parallel, begin the squat from the bottom position each rep) and would like to see if anyone has thought about differences between box-squats and rack-squats. From the little that I've read, it looks like the same thing is accomplished with either method. That is, relaxation of the hip flexors and beginning the movement from the 'static' position.
Quoting Louie Simmons:
"Static work overcome by dynamic action’ builds explosive strength best. This is precisely what a box squat provides. In addition, you are always breaking parallel. One can also train much lighter; 50-60% of a contest max is all that is necessary to make progress if you keep the lifts explosive and accelerate the bar."
What led me to this was that I have a tendency to have my right knee come in a little when squatting heavy. I have semi-flat feet, and I'm wondering if the foot pronation that I experience leads to this happening, and if I can overcome it by simply doing wide-stance rack/box squats as I've seen recommended a couple of times on old archives of misc.fitness.weights.
Any thoughts?