Board thickness for Squat


New Member
I'm going to use a board to elevate my heels on squats for the upcoming cycle to reduce glute and increase quad involvement. Any suggestions on the thickness of this board? Would a 2x4 (1.5 in actual thickness) be too high?

Using a board for your heels pushes your knees forward thereby putting a lot more stress on them. Check your form in a mirror and youll see what I mean. If you do use a board just make sure your knees dont go out infront of your feet or youll regret it in the long run.
Thanks, Pauly, I'm aware of the potential danger. I'm very much a stickler for form so I'll monitor it closely.

Still need opinions on the board thickness.

Randy, I am using something that is about 1-1.25 in. thick (a piece of 1/2inch plywood w/ an angled molding on it, to give it more of a wedge shape). This seems to be working fine so far, and it helps me stay more upright & hit the quads better (I think).
That's my goal, too, jsraaf. Thanks for the tip on the wedge shape. I'll set a 2x4 up on it's edge and rip it with the blade at about 25 deg on my table saw. I'll probably get some strange looks when carrying this into the Y for workouts.
