(Slapshotz @ Apr. 06 2007,18:49)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Never used 'em, never will....but....I have done a prohormone cycle. I know they're illegal now, but they still can be had if you have the right connections....and they're a might bit safer than T, also.
I used Mag-10 from Biotest about five years ago, and gained like 20 pounds over the course of eight weeks. Of course, like Vitamin T, after you go off, you lose most of it...but what a ride!
Many of my friends in college did ragin' roids, and one of them still has gyno to this day, and will require cosmetic surgery to remove the breast tissue. To me, that's the scariest proposition about doing T.
But if you can get your hands on a prohormone, I think you'd find the benefits similar to that of T, and much safer.</div>
Prohormones and steroids are the same thing. All your sex hormones get converted back and forth to different versions with varying degrees of anabolic androgenic effects. The different label if for marketing/legal reasons alone. Steroids are prohormones, prohormones are steroids, and taken in doses that deliver the same effects will deliver the same risk of side effects including gyno. The difference more often than not was the allowed delivery system. The products marketed as prohormones technically were illegal to methylate or make in injectable form. Some companies still made them in those forms regardless.
Scientific, Nolvadex is not an anti aromatase, it is a SERM. It will block the effects of estrogen not block its formation, an anti aromatase stops the formation of estrogen. There are various RX
SERMs and
AIs, a pretty good list of each can be found at the respective links. The legal AIs are all steroidal in nature I believe, and can be gotten at any supplement store. The RX ones are RX, can be gotten on the black market or for 'research' purposes, meaning not for human consumption. Toremifene is one of the better SERMS out there right now. Take too high a dose and you might spontaneously ejaculate it seems.
Got to get me some of that.
Keep in might that SERMs and AIs are both drugs, same as steroids, and have positive and negative effects of their own. For example I think all AIs, types I and II, will be somewhat hard on the lipids, same as steroids. Whereas SERMs like Nolvadex which is tamoxifen citrate, are synthetic estrogens and might help lipids recover by their action in the body. But you also might start seeing streaks in your vision.
Personally I'd keep AIs for on cycle control of estrogen and use a SERM as the main part of my pct, with a lower dose AI possible and a veritable shitload of cholesterol/liver health/testosterone boosters et al.