
Useful vid this time. My shoulders need all the help they can get. Maybe yours do too?

Thought I'd post a couple of YouTube links to Konstantinovs doing pull-ups. What makes them more interesting than most is that he weighs around 275. He's one big strong dude and has a competition deadlift of around 950lb. - bw pull-ups with a slight kip. - weighted pull-ups, bw+50kg (110lb)

And, what the hey, here's a winning 430kg competition deadlift in the 125kg class: - Insanely great!
(Lol @ Aug. 22 2009,4:54)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Robb Orlando's at it again. Here's a recent vid of him doing 100 consecutive bodyweight squats (ie. with 200lb - he currently weighs 195). They're not the deepest squats ever but so what. Definitely to parallel.</div>
Wow, and here I am fussing about 20-rep squats...

This shuts my mouth for good!

What an impressive, encouraging performance. Thanks for posting it.

This is me doing deadlifts. This was my second set and I was close to failure (probably could have done 1 more rep). How does my form look?

Also, I'm 5'11, 170 lbs and probably 13-14% bf.
(ZKD @ Jan. 12 2010,4:19)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Link

This is me doing deadlifts. This was my second set and I was close to failure (probably could have done 1 more rep). How does my form look?

Also, I'm 5'11, 170 lbs and probably 13-14% bf.</div>
Hey ZKD, not bad at all. Bar path looks like it's moving out a little as it passes your knees on the way down which might indicate that you are bending your knees a little too soon. Can't be sure though as the plates are in the way. Also, it looks like you could extend your hips a little further for a more upright lockout.

One other thing: your shoes appear to have pretty chunky soles. If this is the case and if they are running shoes with springy soles then you might want to invest in some Chuck Taylors or similar for deadlifting in.

That's all. Well done and keep it up!
(Lol @ Jan. 12 2010,6:33)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">One other small thing: your shoes appear to have pretty chunky soles. If this is the case and if they are running shoes with springy soles then you might want to invest in some Chuck Taylors or similar for deadlifting in.</div>
Or do it barefoot. In any case a shoe with a soft sole means less strength deadlifting. Your body detects the lack of stability and compensates reducing your strength to avoid injury. If the shoe has a higher sole like a Shox kind of shoe then you are also risking bending your ankle sideways while bearing the load. That is not something you want to do.
(Lol @ Jan. 12 2010,5:34)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Pure awesomeness!

Mike Tuchscherer's cool-as-a-cucumber 845 raw deadlift!</div>
Holy Crap!! Absolutely beautiful.
(Lol @ Jan. 21 2010,10:27)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">He's done it again... only heavier!

Mike Tuchscherer's 850 raw deadlift!

This is a remarkable lift and it would seem that Mike is nowhere near done yet.</div>
It's interesting how high he wears his belt...

I am impressed as well with the mental aspect of the lift, which is apparent as he steps into the bar and modulates his breathing.
Never seen anyone do anything quite like this before!

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I'm surprised this hasn't been posted yet:

Apparently there is a big debate about it over on the crossfit forums because some guy posted "Yeah, but what's his Fran time??" and then another guy started talking about how if you did crossfit you would be better off than Magnusson because it is unhealthy to be that strong, and Benni is going to die young, etc etc.

Nevermind that he is basically at the top of his sport and achieved something never done before.

It was nice to see plenty of people standing up for Benni though, maybe that whole stereotype of crossfitters all being holier than thou geeks who think nothing is as good as crossfit isn't true after all.
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I'm surprised this hasn't been posted yet

Me too! :) Thanks for posting. It's unreal. And the speed! Also, once he has the lift, he just holds it there without a hint that his grip is going to falter. I recall Andy Bolton losing his grip with a lesser weight. Benni is looking thicker than ever.

And the thing about Crossfitters: for every knowledgeable one there are probably 20 not-so-knowledgeable ones. Inexperienced people dis Oly lifters (who lift insane weights overhead) for looking fat too. No one that has any clue about what Benni did in this vid would say anything other than "Wow!"—or words to that effect.