Two Piece Iron Barbell?

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Key Of David

I was at a local Christian thrift store a while back and spotted a used standard iron weight set for a good deal so I took it. Half the plates were New York Barbell and half were Weider. The 25 lb York plates' holes are too big for the standard iron bar, but too small for Olympic bars. Strange...

Here's the really strange thing, though. It was a two piece barb that was kinda riveted together and then welded (its so tight and solid it had to be).

Even though it seems to be kinda solid and all, I've seen those cheap kiddy cement weight sets sold at Wally World and they aren't even riveted or welded or anything. They go together in the middle with allen screws.

That seems kinda dangerous to me....does it to you?

Anyway.....I'm not using this bar for anything but the lighter stuff like curls and stuff but I still wanted to get some opinions on whether you've seen this type of thing and whether its safe.

I asked a guy at the local Play It Again Sports store and he said he'd never heard of such a thing.....and he seems to be pretty in the know.
It was probably once a starter set, like 100 lbs or something. I wouldn't excede that. I have a two piece bar, held together with push pins. I had it welded, and I go up to about 200# on it.
If you even suspect it's from a starter set don't go heavy with it on anything that can hurt you. I still had the 8lb bar from my old orbitron 110lb set and was using it for squats. The first time I went for 250 it bent double, slid the collars off, and dumped 125 on each ankle/foot. Hurt pretty bad.
Can you post a picture?

I can't recall ever seeing a two piece barbell, for kiddies or otherwise..interesting..Id like to see one, just to say Ive seen one...
I've had weights since the 1950's and have never seen anything like this. I would appreciate seeing a picture also. BTW, my first set from Dan Lurie, AKA Sealtest Dan, The Strong Man on The Big Top Circus TV program from the 50's.
I had one of those bars that slides together when I first started out, and it held up pretty well. It got bent pretty bad once I started deadlifting more than 250 and rowing heavy. I think I still have it in my basement somewhere...

If you are serious about training, you're going to want to get an olympic bar and weights soon, or join a gym, but I think the olympic set is a better long term investment if you don't already have one.