transition from HST to strength cycle


New Member
Those of you who have gone from an HST cycle to a strength cycle like 3 x 3 or 5 x 5- is it best to take a break after the HST cycle or continue to ride the heavier weights right into the strength cycle?
Thanks Joe and Totentanz. I like the idea of deloading to give the CNS a break before I go back into the heavy weights.
The first weeks of many strength programs are somewhat of a deloading phase because you will be ramping up your weights starting with lower weights. So you might wind up deloading without even really realizing it.

Joe G
I've done just this HST (heavy compound routine) to 5x5.

Didn't take a break. The first week of 5x5 had loads that were 3 increments down from my 5RM. Just finished the 4th week yesterday (using my 5RM), going for PRs next week :)