The Weight Trainer - Casey Butt


New Member
His website is gone for some reason, and I can't find any of his articles anywhere. Does anybody know what happened, and do any of you have his articles saved?

I'm talking about the physiology articles...I wanted to read them again...

I know, it's a bummer his site is gone

I used to email with him occasionally also, and no response. I guess he just kinda moved on.

The good news, or possibly good news, is he emailed me most of his articles a year or two ago, I MIGHT still have them burned on CD, if I do, I'll post and let you know and will email them to you if you want. I hope I have them still!

Found em!
PM me with your email addy if you want them and I'll send them to you. I think I have all of them! :D
I have to send all of them as an attachement, your profile shows your email as 'private', if you PM me your addy I can send you them all after work tonight :)
[b said:
Quote[/b] (NWlifter @ June 22 2005,10:50)]I have to send all of them as an attachement, your profile shows your email as 'private', if you PM me your addy I can send you them all after work tonight :)
Hell, I don't care if people know it. It's probably private cause I'm too lazy to change it. if it's a small file if it's big (bigger than a meg or two, whatever hotmail's limit is)
I'll send them all. I can't remember what part of the CNS thing he had different the research, I think it was where he said 'failure could be in the CNS', I'd have to re-read them to find that for sure.

All I know is, the studies show that for intermitant contractions, the CNS is tested as maximal even to the point of failure, but long sub-max isometrics can show a lessening of supraspinal output.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (NWlifter @ June 26 2005,1:22)]I'll send them all. I can't remember what part of the CNS thing he had different the research, I think it was where he said 'failure could be in the CNS', I'd have to re-read them to find that for sure.
All I know is, the studies show that for intermitant contractions, the CNS is tested as maximal even to the point of failure, but long sub-max isometrics can show a lessening of supraspinal output.
Thanks for sending the articles.

Yeah, I think one of the articles said that it's usually the CNS that fails first, not the muscle. So that's incorrect?