T-Dog's Training Log


New Member
A little introduction,
I am in my mid 30's and have been lifting solid for about 2 years and off and on for about 6 years. I enjoy the benefits of lifting on multiple levels. It makes me feel good, it is my way of taking care of my body and lifting is my way of defying age. :p
I am fairly new to squats and deadlifts (8 months or so) - so my strength in not properly proportioned. I feel I have decent upper body strength and my lower body strength is slowly gaining ground, but it is no where near where I think it should be.
I had been using Stronglifts 5x5 program for about 9 months and it has really allowed my body to make progress. I have seen a steady gain in strength and now I am looking for a mixture of strength and size gain.
I took about a full 2 weeks of deconditioning before I started HST. I felt like I had lost some strength during that time. Lifting for 15 reps is a totally new concept to me as I had struggled to gain strength at the end of my 5x5. So I am ready for a new adventure.
Height - 6'2"
Weight - 170lbs
Bench Press - 225lbs
Squat - 250lbs
O.H. Press - 130lbs
Deadlift - 200lbs
I feel that I am passed the "Newbee" stage as I have been lifting solid for the last 2 years and the concepts of lifting are not new. My strength and size I feel is just the begining of where I want to be.
Height - 6'2"
Weight - 170lbs
Bench Press - 225lbs
Squat - 250lbs
O.H. Press - 130lbs
Deadlift - 200lbs
I feel that I am passed the "Newbee" stage as I have been lifting solid for the last 2 years and the concepts of lifting are not new. My strength and size I feel is just the begining of where I want to be.

Welcome! Stronglifts is a great program. You would do well to use those same movements as the basis for your HST program. You will see those lower body weights jump up quick. Are you eating big? I bet you could wear another 30 - 40 lbs well.
I have been looking for something "more" than the 5x5 program that I had been using. I had stalled regularly lately and had seen this program listed. It is totally different than anything I had used before, but the more I researched about it and read the successes of others, I am ready to give it a go.
I started with pretty low weights after reading through the guide. Because I started the weights so low - I am completing 2 sets of 15. These weights were about 75% of my 15RM.

January 10th
Bench Press - 100lbs 2x15
Leg Press - 210lbs 2x15
Over Head or Standing Military Press - 45lbs 2x15
Seated Row - 115lbs 2x15
D.B Press & Squeez - 80lbs (total weight) 2x10
Latt Pulldown - 85lbs 2x15
Added Bicep curls and tricep pulldowns. Added 2 sets of 10 for these.
I had struggled gaining weight for years and granted, I am no where near where I want to be. But I have gained 15-20lbs last year. I hit a real low the year before because of some health issues and had lost some weight. I got that problem corrected and struggled to gain. As a "skinny" person who eats healthy and watches my fat intake - I had a real problem to gain weight. I tried to add 1-2 extra meals a day for a while and I got so full I felt like I was going to chuck most days. I stumbled across a forum that discussed gaining weight by drinking excess Milk. And while I had a mentle challenge of gaining excess fat, I said enough is enough and started. 1 gallon of milk a day for about a month. With this and then eating more after I stopped drinking that much milk - I gained almost 20lbs over the past year or so.
I am now 170lbs. I still eat healthy and consumer 1-2 protein shakes a day with milk. This has given me more calories to handle the weights when they get heavy. But I feel that where I am at now is just a new BASE for me. So I am starting over basically and not viewing where I am at as an end goal, but rather a new beginning.
So yes, I need more weight on my bones. I just wanted to give you a little view from my past. I am excited about this new program and am eager to do what it takes to grow.
January 13th
Bench Press - 100lbs 2x15
Leg Press - 210lbs 2x15
Over Head or Standing Military Press - 45lbs 2x15
Seated Row - 115lbs 2x15
D.B Press & Squeez - 80lbs (total weight) 2x10
Latt Pulldown - 85lbs 2x15
Added Bicep curls and tricep pulldowns. Added 2 sets of 10 for these.
If this looks like a copy of my 1st workout, that is correct. This may be a wrong theory, but because I want to get the most out of this program, I am lifting each workout twice. (if that makes sense)
January 15th
Bench Press - 105lbs 2x15
Squats - 145lbs 2x15
OH Press - 50lbs 2x15
Seated Row - 120lbs 2x15
D.B Press & Squeez - 80lbs (total weight) 1x15
Latt Pulldown - 90lbs 2x15
Deadlift - 110lbs 1x10
Added Bicep curls and tricep pulldowns. Added 2 sets of 10 for these.
January 17th
Bench Press - 105lbs 2x15
Squats - 145lbs 2x15
OH Press - 50lbs 2x15
Seated Row - 120lbs 2x15
D.B Press & Squeez - 80lbs (total weight) 1x15
Latt Pulldown - 90lbs 2x15
Deadlift - 110lbs 1x10
Added Bicep curls and tricep pulldowns. Added 2 sets of 10 for these.
Again, this is the 2nd time for lifting these weights. I will not explain this anymore from here on out. So if you see a duplicate workout with a different date, I did not mess up. I lifted the same workout with the same weights two sessions in a row. Explaination above.
January 19th
Bench Press - 110lbs 2x15
Legg Press - 240lbs 2x15
OH Press - 55lbs 2x15
Seated Row - 125lbs 2x15
D.B Press & Squeez - 80lbs (total weight) 1x15
Latt Pulldown - 95lbs 2x15
Deadlift - 130lbs 1x10
Added Bicep curls and tricep pulldowns. Added 2 sets of 10 for these.
January 22nd
Bench Press - 110lbs 2x15
Legg Press - 240lbs 2x15
OH Press - 55lbs 2x15
Seated Row - 125lbs 2x15
D.B Press & Squeez - 80lbs (total weight) 1x15
Latt Pulldown - 95lbs 2x15
Deadlift - 130lbs 1x10
Added Bicep curls and tricep pulldowns. Added 2 sets of 10 for these.
January 24th
It is getting difficult to complete 2 sets of 15 back to back. My first set was 15 and my second set was 12 for those marked with an *.

Bench Press - 120lbs 2x15
Squat - 150lbs 2x15
OH Press - 60lbs 2x15
*Seated Row - 135lbs 2x15
D.B Press & Squeez - 90lbs (total weight) 1x15
*Latt Pulldown - 100lbs 2x15
Added Bicep curls and tricep pulldowns. Added 2 sets of 10 for these.
January 26th
I am still struglling to complete both sets. I will experiment with a different rep routine for my next workout.
My first set was 15 and my second set was 12 for those marked with an *.

Bench Press - 120lbs 2x15
Squat - 150lbs 2x15
OH Press - 60lbs 2x15
*Seated Row - 135lbs 2x15
D.B Press & Squeez - 90lbs (total weight) 1x15
*Latt Pulldown - 100lbs 2x15
Added Bicep curls and tricep pulldowns. Added 2 sets of 10 for these.
January 29th
I am lifting my first set of 15 for all exercises before I attempt my second set. Once I have lifted 1 set of 15 for each, I am going back through and completing my second set. This seems to be working, as I can complete the second set. It is taking a little more time, but no more than 50 minutes.

Bench Press - 135lbs 2x15
Leg Press - 270lbs - 2x15
OH Press - 605bs 2x15
Seated Row - 145lbs 2x15
D.B Press & Squeez - 100lbs (total weight) 1x15
Latt Pulldown - 105lbs 2x15 (not as much of a wide grip. More of a medium grip - shoulder width)
Deadlift - 150lbs 1x10
Iso's for bicep and tricep.
January 31st
Read explanation of completing sets above. Still working for me.

Bench Press - 135lbs 2x15
Leg Press - 270lbs - 2x15
OH Press - 605bs 2x15
Seated Row - 145lbs 2x15
D.B Press & Squeez - 100lbs (total weight) 1x15
Latt Pulldown - 105lbs 2x15 (not as much of a wide grip. More of a medium grip - shoulder width)
Deadlift - 150lbs 1x10
Iso's for bicep and tricep.
February 2nd
This is my last set of workouts for 15 reps. I only lifted 1 set as the weight is too taxing to lift another set. I thought about going back after 1 set to attempt another one, but I thought it would be too much. I question whether I should have a 7th workout and try to increase my 15RM because I felt like I could have lifted a couple more reps. Will have to think about this.

Bench Press - 145lbs 1x15
Squat - 160lbs 1x15
OH Press - 75bs 1x15
Seated Row - 160lbs 1x15 (2 Cluster sets)
D.B Press & Squeez - 110lbs (total weight) 1x10
Latt Pulldown - 115lbs 1x15 (not as much of a wide grip. More of a medium grip - shoulder width)
Iso's for bicep and tricep.
Last edited:
February 4th
I was a bit sore and felt the effects of lifting my 15RM just two days ago. I just did 1 set of 15 for each. I don't think adding another set would be that much beneficial to me. On my 10RM set, I will just strive to push out a couple more reps.
Bench Press - 145lbs 1x15
Squat - 160lbs 1x15
OH Press - 75bs 1x15
Seated Row - 160lbs 1x15 (2 Cluster sets)
D.B Press & Squeez - 110lbs (total weight) 1x10
Latt Pulldown - 115lbs 1x15 (not as much of a wide grip. More of a medium grip - shoulder width)
Iso's for bicep and tricep.
February 6th
I started my 10's and am excited about my growth. I haven't taken any measurements yet, but I see my muscles fuller and larger already. I usually take muscle measurements and my weight about every 3-4 months to chart my progress. I am enjoying this type of workout and when you see results - it just give me more motivation.:cool: I started at about 75%-80% of my 10RM and will build from there.
*I almost forgot, because the weight was light again, I completed 2 sets of 12 reps instead of just 10. Again, not sure if this is ideal or not. Should I just let it go at 10 and be happy that it's not too heavy?

Bench Press - 130lbs 2x12
Leg Press - 250lbs 2x12
OH Press - 60bs 2x12
Seated Row - 125lbs 2x12
D.B Press & Squeez - 100lbs (total weight) 1x12
Latt Pulldown - 95lbs 1x12
Deadlift - 160lbs 1x10 (I was pleased that 10 reps were not too taxing. I am excited to see my leg lifts increase.)
Iso's for bicep and tricep.
February 9
I have joined my church's volleyball team so my workouts are a little more spuratic that I like. I enjoy it, but I am not used the the motions yet as my back and shoulders a bit sore.

Bench Press - 130lbs 2x12
Leg Press - 250lbs 2x12
OH Press - 60lbs 2x12
Seated Row - 125lbs 2x12
DB Press & squeeze - 110lbs 1x12
Latt Pulldown - 95lbs 2x12
Arm Iso's

I skipped Deadlift as my back was a bit sore. I am not used to the twisting, turning and jumping and sometimes diving that is required in volleyball. I do like it as I am still fairly athletic and competative. I also contine to lift for 12 reps as the weights are still light.
I skipped Deadlift as my back was a bit sore. I am not used to the twisting, turning and jumping and sometimes diving that is required in volleyball. I do like it as I am still fairly athletic and competative.
I hate skipping deadlifts, but I understand the concern about lifting with a sore back. I shoveled enough snow and ice on Monday that it produced a rather sore back on Tuesday. I decided to wait another day before going to the gym.

I have a son who plays volleyball with a group in Sarasota, Florida. They invited me to join them one time, but I replied in the words of Dirty Harry: "A man's gotta know his limitations".
I hate skipping deadlifts, but I understand the concern about lifting with a sore back. I shoveled enough snow and ice on Monday that it produced a rather sore back on Tuesday. I decided to wait another day before going to the gym.
Same here, I also hate to skip Dead Lifts, they are my favorite, but I may also be skipping them on Saturday with the way my back feels. Though I’ve often noticed if I skip a DL session when I’m getting near my max I can usually push through to a new max.