question for Bryan - bulking



I've researched archived posts and articles where you've mentioned ephedrine for bulking.

I can't imagine using ephedrine for cutting, and then continuing using it for bulking.

My question:

Is synephrine/bitter orange close enough chemically (are the qualities the same as for ephedrine) to use it for gaining mass, preventing catabolism, etc. as ephedrine? Or is it chemically different enough that it would be useless for this purpose.

If its not useful for this, do you see any uses for synephrine?


Unfortunately synephrine can't replace ephedrine. They work by different mechanisms and have a different adrenergic agonist profile.

The benefits of E/C while bulking is a nutrient partitioning effect. Your metabolic rate stays greatly elevated and your strength is augmented by the caffeine.

Precaution should always be used with E/C though. They are both drugs and can have serious side effects in some individuals.