

New Member
I'm about to start cutting for approximately 8 weeks and when I finish I plan on doing a cycle of 1ad/4ad for about 3-4 weeks while bulking. I know that Bryan stated that it would be good to start just before your heaviest weeks, but that was for 2 week cycles. How should a longer cycle be included into an HST routine? I'm afraid that if I started during 15's that I wouldn't be doing enough stimulation to truely take advantage of my cycle. Also, would it be of any benefit to increase volume slightly while on the cycle? Thanks.
Most PH's take 1.5-2 weeks to even kick in. A good cycle of 1-AD, or 1-T with 4-AD would be 30 days to 8 weeks. Results in 2 weeks would be little to none. So use during your whole cycle would be my recommendation. I'm new to HST and haven't done a cycle of HST yet since I'm cutting right now. But, when I do start a cycle I'll be doing Avant Labs Super One Plus Transdermal which has 1-T and 4-AD in it, and will cycle it for probably 8 weeks since previous cycle have been at 30 days.
Most people who do 2 week cycles of ONE or ONE+ get 5-10 and 10-15 lbs respectively.

Obviously, much of that is water, from the androgen/estrogen as well as overfeeding, but we get no complaints, as far as results, after they come off, and the majority of users do the shorter cycles (though, more 4 week ones nowadays rather than 2 weeks, because that is what 1fast recommends and he sells a ton of it (particularly the Super ONE+)
Par, how much of those gains do you suspect to be water retention? I was under the impression that a cycle of 1ad or 1test with a little 4ad wouldn't result in large amounts of water retention, and that most of the gains would be retainable. I'm now considering doing a 4 week cycle starting with my second week of 15's and going through the end of my first week of 5's. I'll probably be doing 600mg of 1ad and 600-900mg of 4ad for the entire cycle. I'll follow that up with some 6-oxo and and creatine for post cycle recovery.