Ok, this is it...


New Member
I've been reading this forum for about 2 months now, trying to grab as much info as possible about the HST principles. Now I'm ready to give it a try. I'm 39, 5'9", 195 Lbs and I have a hard big gut, bigger than my chest (no kidding!) my chest is 43", my gut is 43.5". I've been training it over the years with fast-food (3 meals/day) and alcohol (~12 beers/day). The rest of my body is ok, I have an ectomorph body so the only parts I can complain is my gut and double chin.

So now that I have a great workout (the HST example chart) and diet plan (about 2400 cals/day), I'll begin HST seriously next monday. I already stopped drinking and smoking (well I drink about 2 beers/day) and eat 6-8 mini meals/day.

I allways wanted to have a great body all my life but I guess I was too lazy :\ I'm sitting all day long because of my work. Now it's time for me to be a new man and go get what I allways wanted to.

I'll let you know the results after my first cycle.

Thanks guys for making such a great forum :)

Good luck Blizz you can do it if you stick to your plan.

If you can eventually cut your alcohol down to 1 beer a day...you will be surprised what just eliminating the fast food and beer will do for you...thats easily 40 pounds gone right there buy eliminating just those foods and beer.

Stick with it and let us know how it goes...good luck again!

As an ex Fat Body, went from 225 or so @ 5'9" to 145 at lightest, took about 2 years. Almost 4 years ago now.

It takes more than a routine it takes tons of determination and desire to consistently stick to it.

You have a good routine (HST), but understand it will still take a long time.

Good Luck and STICK with it.

Best of luck to you and congratulations on your journey to better health. If you ever feel like you are going to slip of the wagon then just shout out loud because there are a lot of strong guys and gals around here who will yank you right back on!

Welcome to the group!

I too wish you good luck on your journey to a healthier lifestyle. You are taking some great first steps. One thing that you will discover is that as you learn more about healthy living, you start to realize that there are even more changes you can make along the way. Remember, it's all in your mind. You control your daily actions! :)
Blizz, just stick blindly to your plan for a while and do not let anything distract you. After a few months of a healthy lifestyle you will find out that there is really no turning back.

Also remember what Captain Crunch said. Should you feel weak at heart, shout out loud and a lot of people here will come to assist you.

Just let us know what your progress is. Best of luck and congratulations on your decision.
Back in the 50's we were actually lead to believe that smoking was beneficial to one's pulmonary health! When I went to Vietnam, I picked up the habit and never dropped it. To finally quit, many years later, I actually had to give up drinking completely as I couldn't imagine a beer without a butt. I still miss them both.

I also miss the boil that popped up on my azz on my 44th birthday.

Go get em Blizz!
I could never give up the beer!  
It just means doing more cardio after days of drinking to keep those kcals in check.
Agree with O & G

Having recently given up smoking, drinking had to go with it as it made me fail twice

Luckily I never got smitten by it and thought I only had two by now I would have had 100 or so, just carry on!

The other day I had a Bar-B-Q, and thought wow I does one do this without the booze?

Hey, got me some alcohol free beer, not bad at all, same taste without the problem, good!