Finally it's time to get into the logging business.
I'm beginning my 2nd year on HST. But I had a little bad start - coming off a 5 week SD (vacation...) I entered the gym and started out with my 15s (although I had lost more strength than I predicted - so it was more like 10s). After one week I pulled my lower back when unloading after a backbreaking set of bent over rows (after some sets of squats - stupid huh?). I guess the lower back was to fatigued too handle the strain of removing the plates (bad form). Well, not able to lift free weights I figured I at least could try the machines in the gym when I returned. The next week I substituted the standing overhead press for something similar. Yeah, guess what - I pulled I muscle in my neck, due to the weird angle of the machine lever's trajectory! Double bad! So now I have to just sit and wait for the pulls to heal up. To make it worse, the gym owner removed the power rack the other week so now I do not have a place to squat and bench (no spotter)! The gym is packed with fancy new machines now. Oh, did I mention I came down with a cold, too! Maybe I find a way to survive this...
Instead of doing nothing while waiting for the injuries to heal I did some reading... I dug up a copy of No-Nonsense Muscle Building by Vince Del Monte. He argues for a very high caloric intake to gain muscle and warns that near-obesity is unavoidable. When I did put his calculations (actually they come from Dr. John Berardi) into my Excel spreadsheet and played around a little I was baffled at the enormous surplus he recommendended (try the online calorie calculator at to see for yourself - and chose the advanced mass gaining strategy).
Of course I take his advise with a grain of salt, but I will (if I can manage it) try the EOD strategy (24h/24h) with these numbers. I base my trust in this on my reasoning in the recent ABCDE thread and my previous Optimal cutting/bulking IF/PSMF thread which originated from the Flexibility of Intermittent Fasting thread (among other sources) in the nutrition section.
On off days I will remove as many calories as the surplus on the workout days - so the weekly total will be maintenance (that is, one of the weekdays will also need to be maintenance). I expect to cram down a whopping 4900 kcals on workout days and starve myself silly with 1300 kcals on off days (PSMF of course). Call me crazy! My maintenance should be 3100 if my calculations are correct. If I gain without a upward swing in BF% then I will know how well the strategy works. Else, change the variables some and see what happens.
As for the macronutrient distribution I will follow a 35-E% protein, 45-E% carbs, and 20-E% fat scheme, known from Gerard Dente's book, Macrobolic Nutrition. Only I chose to spread them out over 48 hours. Practice as I preach - Very few carbs before workout, then comes the onslaugth. The bulking cycle ebbs out at the next morning - then awaits the long cut until the next workout.
But before this, I will take some time to heal and do a cutting EOD to trim down a size. Maybe I will be back on track by the end of next week.
I do a A/B split like this (M/W/F):
A: Chins, Dips, Deadlift (or sub DL with leg curl/leg ext if necessary)
B: Rows, Bench, Squats (or sub Sq with leg curl/leg ext if necessary)
Auxiliary A&B: BB Curls, BB Press, Abs, Wrist Extensions
Very little cardio at the moment
The previous maxes have diminished so I expect to back off some on the reps at least.
I figured Squats and BoR was a bad combo for the lower back so I rearranged some. Only the Deads on A tax the low back, and Squats on B. I put them in the middle so I will be properly warmed up before these (Rippetoe put deads last becasue of this). The rowing will be done with chest support to relieve the lower back. With no power rack for bench (as substitute for a spotter) I think I will back off some on the reps and be really careful to have perfect form before I progress (not to mention locking out every rep and especially before I rack).
Besides the gym, I will do some grip work at home and at work.
I'm 166 cm in length (5 ft 5 in)
Current weight is 71 kg (156 lbs)
Skin caliper says 15 mm at waist (approx. 15 % BF)
Age: 34 years at the moment
I did not gain much weigh from one year on HST but I have had a good body recomposition (wife agrees) and strength has increased. I believe I have eaten too few calories to gain lbm (I expended more than I ate, I discovered last night, when I did a thorough analysis of calorie expenditure), so I will se what happens when I deploy my revised nutrition plan. 2 years back I was overweight, but dropped 33 lbs (but leveled out before I had a chance to glimpse any abs). Unfortunately I didn't have time to hang out in the gym at that time, so I lost equally much beef. My bad. Now I know better.
End note
I'm not sure how frequent I will be in this section. The autumn is packed with action at my work (I'm a lecturer at a technical university in Sweden, called KTH. The department I work in is aptly named School of Health and Technology).
Enough of my ramblings - See you!

I'm beginning my 2nd year on HST. But I had a little bad start - coming off a 5 week SD (vacation...) I entered the gym and started out with my 15s (although I had lost more strength than I predicted - so it was more like 10s). After one week I pulled my lower back when unloading after a backbreaking set of bent over rows (after some sets of squats - stupid huh?). I guess the lower back was to fatigued too handle the strain of removing the plates (bad form). Well, not able to lift free weights I figured I at least could try the machines in the gym when I returned. The next week I substituted the standing overhead press for something similar. Yeah, guess what - I pulled I muscle in my neck, due to the weird angle of the machine lever's trajectory! Double bad! So now I have to just sit and wait for the pulls to heal up. To make it worse, the gym owner removed the power rack the other week so now I do not have a place to squat and bench (no spotter)! The gym is packed with fancy new machines now. Oh, did I mention I came down with a cold, too! Maybe I find a way to survive this...

Instead of doing nothing while waiting for the injuries to heal I did some reading... I dug up a copy of No-Nonsense Muscle Building by Vince Del Monte. He argues for a very high caloric intake to gain muscle and warns that near-obesity is unavoidable. When I did put his calculations (actually they come from Dr. John Berardi) into my Excel spreadsheet and played around a little I was baffled at the enormous surplus he recommendended (try the online calorie calculator at to see for yourself - and chose the advanced mass gaining strategy).
Of course I take his advise with a grain of salt, but I will (if I can manage it) try the EOD strategy (24h/24h) with these numbers. I base my trust in this on my reasoning in the recent ABCDE thread and my previous Optimal cutting/bulking IF/PSMF thread which originated from the Flexibility of Intermittent Fasting thread (among other sources) in the nutrition section.
On off days I will remove as many calories as the surplus on the workout days - so the weekly total will be maintenance (that is, one of the weekdays will also need to be maintenance). I expect to cram down a whopping 4900 kcals on workout days and starve myself silly with 1300 kcals on off days (PSMF of course). Call me crazy! My maintenance should be 3100 if my calculations are correct. If I gain without a upward swing in BF% then I will know how well the strategy works. Else, change the variables some and see what happens.
As for the macronutrient distribution I will follow a 35-E% protein, 45-E% carbs, and 20-E% fat scheme, known from Gerard Dente's book, Macrobolic Nutrition. Only I chose to spread them out over 48 hours. Practice as I preach - Very few carbs before workout, then comes the onslaugth. The bulking cycle ebbs out at the next morning - then awaits the long cut until the next workout.
But before this, I will take some time to heal and do a cutting EOD to trim down a size. Maybe I will be back on track by the end of next week.
I do a A/B split like this (M/W/F):
A: Chins, Dips, Deadlift (or sub DL with leg curl/leg ext if necessary)
B: Rows, Bench, Squats (or sub Sq with leg curl/leg ext if necessary)
Auxiliary A&B: BB Curls, BB Press, Abs, Wrist Extensions
Very little cardio at the moment
The previous maxes have diminished so I expect to back off some on the reps at least.
I figured Squats and BoR was a bad combo for the lower back so I rearranged some. Only the Deads on A tax the low back, and Squats on B. I put them in the middle so I will be properly warmed up before these (Rippetoe put deads last becasue of this). The rowing will be done with chest support to relieve the lower back. With no power rack for bench (as substitute for a spotter) I think I will back off some on the reps and be really careful to have perfect form before I progress (not to mention locking out every rep and especially before I rack).
Besides the gym, I will do some grip work at home and at work.
I'm 166 cm in length (5 ft 5 in)
Current weight is 71 kg (156 lbs)
Skin caliper says 15 mm at waist (approx. 15 % BF)
Age: 34 years at the moment
I did not gain much weigh from one year on HST but I have had a good body recomposition (wife agrees) and strength has increased. I believe I have eaten too few calories to gain lbm (I expended more than I ate, I discovered last night, when I did a thorough analysis of calorie expenditure), so I will se what happens when I deploy my revised nutrition plan. 2 years back I was overweight, but dropped 33 lbs (but leveled out before I had a chance to glimpse any abs). Unfortunately I didn't have time to hang out in the gym at that time, so I lost equally much beef. My bad. Now I know better.
End note
I'm not sure how frequent I will be in this section. The autumn is packed with action at my work (I'm a lecturer at a technical university in Sweden, called KTH. The department I work in is aptly named School of Health and Technology).
Enough of my ramblings - See you!