neural training and hypertrophy


New Member
Not sure if this is best posted here or in the general forum. I have the feeling that there is logic behind this question, but for some reason I'm having trouble figuring out what it is. :D

I have what I think would be called low exercise tolerance. I injure easily (true in endurance training, too, which is my background), and get tired and susceptible to illness easily. I don't know if it's related, but I also seem to have (for lack of a better term) a "sensitive" neural system. Going to failure is disastrous for me, and I experience a steep dropoff in strength from set to set--I can lose 5-6 reps on a 10-rep set in the second set, if I go close to failure. I also have very little explosive strength. (I also am Type A and get stressed easily, and probably am swimming in an ocean of cortisol

I understand that part of the logic behind HST is to keep from overtaxing the nervous system. I like this approach because it allows me to do way more volume than I otherwise could handle, without getting exhausted. But I wonder if my lack of strength, and the neural efficiency that comes with training for strength, limits my capacity for hypertrophy. (I've done very little training specifically for absolute strength). In other words, if I could move more weight, wouldn't there be better hypertrophy in the long term as long as the balance of my training was HST?

So the question is, I suppose, is there a place for, say, Olympic- or powerlifting-style training as part of an overall strategy for hypertrophy? What am I missing?

I am some what similar to you in the sense that anxiety has been a major issue that restricts me in the weight room. I too have never trained for strength and as a result am not nearly as strong as I know I could be. I wouldn't be shocked if your anxiety is playing a major part in burning you out. Since I've started to seek a resolution to the anxiety problem, my workout have now become much more smooth (see the Antidepresents thread over in the General forum for some debate on this...)

As I understand it, you gain strength with hypertrophy but do not necessarily need hypertrophy for strength. I too have considered doing strength training before hitting the bulking process of HST, but have decided to just start HST when done cutting. I definitely want to do strength training sometime - cuase doesn't it suck for us weaker guys? Honestly though, I dont' think your neural "issues" will block your hypertrophy potential... By the way, are you taking EFAs and CLA? These should aid the nervous system...
There was a guy on Letterman once, said he started lifting to gain weight, but never gained weight, just got stronger. I on the other hand can put on 20 lbs. of solid muscle and see very little change in my strength. A lot of it is genetic, and people respond differently. But HST is great for you, it's all about hypertrophy. Don't worry about how much you lift unless strength is your goal; you can definitely get bigger without pushing heavy weight. Haven't you ever seen a big guy lifting small weight? I have. Lou Ferrigno has been known to use 190 on inclines. I use 190 on inclines and I'm no HULK, if that tells you anything. ;)