Wednesday 1st February 2017
I've been utilising nothing but squats , Chins , deadlifts , benches , military presses etc etc for the last few years and I think a couple of cycles with some different exercises would probably be a refreshing change for me ...
5 reps at 5rm weight is always going to be a bit of a grind.
I think you have just accumulated some fatique, perfectly normal, and I dont think you are going to do yourself any harm by just backing off the intensity a bit or you could take a deload week.
Personally I wouldn't take out those lifts for a whole cycle. If I was feeling really beat up as you mentioned above, I would probably do a week GPP (General Physical Preparedness)
For a week or two concentrate on;
- Mobility work/Foam Rolling
- Conditioning, maybe
Interval “sprinting”
Barbell Circuits - ie - with a light weight, and with out setting the bar down -
RDL x6, Row x6, Front Squat x6, Military x6, Back Squat x6, Hang
Clean x6. do this for 15 minutes
Keep the intensity relatively low.
I think that would be enough to release your fatigue and get your mojo and motivation back.