My Cycle


New Member
Hi everyone. I have been overtraining for quite sometime time now, doing exercises till failure, and not seeing any significant results. I came across HST and after reading all about it I took time to find my maxes. Right now I'm in SD before I start my first cycle.
Here is my program before adding zigzagging.
I've attempted to to zigzag here.
Can somone look over the numbers to see if I did a good job for hypertrophy. I am having trouble with what to do for biceps/triceps since the numbers are so close.
What seems to still puzzle me still is the number of sets I should do with the exercises I have choosen. I am 17 yrs old and around 120lbs and looking for the most muscle growth. I am looking forward to starting HST on the 12th. Thanks for the help.
welcome vmanl
your program looks fine. a change you might consider is to use a 20lb increment on your squats.
with respect to your bis and tris don't worry about the close numbers. as long as you slowly increase the load you will see results. also you with get indirect work of these muscles with you bench(tri) and row(bi) exercises.
set #'s: try 2 sets for 15's, 2 sets first 10's, 1 set second 10's, 2 sets first 5's and 1 set second 5's.
next, your 17 and a testoserone machine. use slow rep speed in the begining to feel the burn and gradually speed up when you reach the 10's and 5's. remember your young. use proper form at all times. don't get caught up in the amount of weight you use. your strength will increase over time.
hope this helps
my 2sense..out
Thanks for the reply.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]set #'s: try 2 sets for 15's, 2 sets first 10's, 1 set second 10's, 2 sets first 5's and 1 set second 5's.
I remember seeing something like this in the faq, but it seems as if a lot of people are keeping the volume consistent by increasing the sets as the reps go down. Can anyone comment as to which method is more beneficial for muscle hypertrophy: increase the number of sets to keep the same volume or doing 2,2,2,1,2,1 sets for the weeks as mentioned above.
hypertrophy-wise more is better, my personal advice is to reduce a bit the number of exercises while adding more sets in 5s.Just simplify your routine and stick to the main compounds during 5s doing aroun 4-5 sets of each.

As you are quite young you should have no problems but remember to stop sets bfore hitting failure and dont worry if on last days of 5s you are not able to sqeeze 5 reps from every set it's normal.

good luck and happy regrowing