muscle fiber and rep selection


New Member
I have been reading for quite awhile now about slow and fast twitch muscle fiber and how they effect your rep selection ie (Charles Poliquin Modern Trends of Bodybuilding) or Has anyone any info on an individuals muscle fiber makeup and HST? And if you do take into consideration your muscle fiber makeup could you see even bigger gains from HST?
There really is no need to worry about the fiber type differences. It is load/tension that dictates which fibers are recruited. Any time you are near the 80-90% 1RM all fiber types are recruited.

Training is an adaptation according to the SAID principle, IE Specificity, if you train with submax weights all the time you will adapt to longer training sessions before fatigue limits contraction, if you train in the > 80% of 1RM you will become better adapted to training in that intensity via muscle adaption. So again nothing to worry about or try and train for. Where hypertrophy is concerned it is progressive overload which is the primary concern, so as long as you are upping the weight and apply it for an adequate amount of time you'll grow in all the fibers.
Thanks that actually answered two questions i had. The first on fiber and the second on how close to failure is ok.