More mass - Food and excercise


New Member
Hello to all,

No I've had the first training of the 10's and it all feels pretty good and I feel myself growing. You newcomers you really should use this programm if you want to get bigger.

2 questions left:

In de meantime I try to lose fat for seeing my abs. How do I have to eat; under my maintenance level or over it?
Do I need to lose the rest with cardio or something?
Should it be good to eat during the 10's and 5's as much I can and during the SD and 15's under my maintenance? Is this the way real bodybuilders make use of the cuttingfase? Doing a lot of cardio in the 15's and SD?

The first 3 trainings each 2weeks cycle are not really heavy and I dont feel my muscles burning. Wouldn't it be better to train according to the weight of the programm but make reps as much as you can? If I train on eg 70% of my 10's max, and I can do lets say 15 reps, may I do this or is it better to stop after 10 reps? What's the best way?

Hopefully somebody can help my out. Should be very valueble outcome for other forum members because who doesn't want to have heavy arms, chests, neck, back, legs with excellent nice abs?

Looking forward to your reaction,

Best regards,
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Hopefully somebody can help my out. Should be very valueble outcome for other forum members because who doesn't want to have heavy arms, chests, neck, back, legs with excellent nice abs?

Well I dont think anyone on this forum can really help you get heavy arms, chest, neck, back , and legs with nice abs at the same time. It is possible to gain muscle while losing fat but it is extremely difficult. Many people make 0 gains because they want to get ripped and huge at the same time. This is not realistic and this is an important fact you must know if you want to be successful in bodybuilding.

If you are looking to get bigger you are going to have to eat above your caloric maintenance. This does mean that you will probably not loose fat around your midesction to bring your abs out. That is what the cutting phase is for.

As for your cardio I am sort of confused as to what your saying. There is no need to do cardio if you are trying to get bigger (hence a bulking cycle). It really is not even neccessary for cutting. As long as you are in a caloric deficit you will be fine. You also certainly do not want to do cardio during your SD. This will simply result in the loss of the lean muscle mass that you have worked for all cycle. Keep your calories high during SD and when you return to the 15s cut down on your calories if you intend to cut.

As for what you said about the 15s you kind of lost me again. If you are doing the 15s and not feeling a burn either higher the weight so that maybe you have to repeat a weight during the 2 week block, or higher the volume (do 2 sets instead of 1, or 3 sets instead of 2).

Try and spend some more time on the site reading about the principles of HST and of dieting.

Joe G
[b said:
Quote[/b] ] You also certainly do not want to do cardio during your SD. This will simply result in the loss of the lean muscle mass that you have worked for all cycle.

Well, if you do keep your calories above maintenace, and you do cardio, then I see no problem with it.

Henry, I may be giving different advice than others, there is probably 10% of this forum that will agree with me, but if you want to lose fat while putting on muscle - simply eat slightly above maintenace (200-400kcal), throw in some cardio, eat good fats, enough protein, and do weight-training like HST. It will be slower, but I am sure you are not trying to get the cut look for the winter, so a slow approach till next spring could be a good idea.

When it comes to how many calories you are eating during SD or any micro-cycle, don't worry about that.

If you are trying to lose fat and put on muscle, albeit it's a slower, but successful process, then eat 200-400kcal above maintenace no matter when.

If you are cutting - eat 300-600 kcal under maintenace.

If you are bulking - eat 500-800 kcal above maintenace (but watch your weight, looks, and bf% so you are not putting on too much fat)

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Many people make 0 gains because they want to get ripped and huge at the same time. This is not realistic and this is an important fact you must know if you want to be successful in bodybuilding.

Joe G, maybe it is because of their diet and attention to their body and exercise plans such as cardio and HST. I have made gains while burning fat at the same time, and there are others on the board who will agree. Hmm, a bit passionate I am about this facet of bodybuilding.. I may just end it here and start reading another thread...

-Colby :confused:
Well we have found the HST user that can get you heavy arms, chests, neck, back, legs with excellent nice abs at the same time. I stand corrected.

Joe G
Well thank you very much for advice this far. I'm Dutch and sometimes I do not understand every word- or expression. I read this site 2-3 times and I understand it mainly. I also appreciate the way people is supporting every body.

But what exactely do you mean with hence a bulking cycle? Eating, Eating, Eating for getting bigger? When do I have to plan this in?

Does somebody have a scheme where I can dispute the number of calories I can eat. How can I find my maintenance level.

I go to my work by bike, that's 20 km a day, will this do for cardio?

Joe G; Do you think the 2 weeks 15's cycle is enough for cutting on long run? So during the SD (2 weeks, I may not do anything?!?) Will I lose muscles during cutting?

I would really appreciate it when you also will answer these questions.

Best regards,

You decide to start bulking when you want to put more mass on. Yea it kind of is eat eat eat for more muscle. Although you don't want to go overboard. I would say if you can manage to put on a pound a week that would be ideal.

Riding your bike to work is enough cardio if you ask me. Although like Colby said if you wish to do more cardio just make sure you eat more to account for the cardio your doing.

WHen I said return from the SD and start cutting with the 15s I didnt mean stop cutting at the end of the 15s. You will most likely want to do an entire HST cutting cycle.

If you have any other questions keep them going, there are a lot of guys on here looking to help out

Joe G
All I have to say is that you are going to have very poor, very discouraging results if you try to bulk up while remaining lean.
Thank you very much...

Question left, the trainings before my maximum, may I go on till I can't lift it anymore or do I have to stop at resp. 15, 10 or 5 reps. Is this better for your rest or something?

Does somebody have a scheme to find out the maintenance level. How many can I account for HST training, cycling (hour a day), jiu jitsu training 3 times a week?

Best regards,
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Henry @ Sep. 17 2005,11:32)]Does somebody have a scheme to find out the maintenance level. How many can I account for HST training, cycling (hour a day), jiu jitsu training 3 times a week?
Best regards,
Read Eating for Size