Milk and Whey PreWO


New Member
I take my whey protein with milk. Since you advocate a fast digesting protein pre-workout, will the casein in milk slow the whey digestion down?

Also, I use designer whey's "fast and slow" absorbing protein shake. Would the casein in the milk or the slow digesting proteins in the shake inhibit my workout in anyway when I take it a pre-workout?
The idea behind the fast protein and taking pre workout is, the amino's are in your blood and readily available to the muscle when working out. This is the best for anabolism. The casein in milk and in your fast and slow shake probably won't make much of a difference. The main thing is having it available at the time your muscles need it.
How important is an insulin spike pre-workout?

Post I always add a good 50g dextrose, but I'm unsure if pre I should be adding dextrose or some low-gi oats?