Is it necessary to Change up the excercies?


New Member
I know our bodies learn to adjust to excercies but with HST you change the reps every 2 weeks, is this enough to keep the body "fooled" or do you still need to change your workout every cycle?
The confusion principle and hst don't go together in the sam e sentence.
From the faq under selecting exercises.
"Switching exercises that require a high degree of neural skill (most compound exercises) is generally less productive. The hypertrophic response is delayed according to the duration of learning to manifest the neural drive necessary to generate the tension on the muscle fibers for microtrauma to happen. This is generally not a concern with isolation exercises. "
So I think the answer to your question is no unless you don't like the exercise you are doing for whatever reason or feel like a change :)
You can make better strength gains due to the nueral input. It is advisable to have more strength in a variety of exercises and positions. More strength will lead to bigger weights, which will lead to hypertrophy.
The steady weight increases and weight zig-zagging, and decreasing rep structures (and volume shifts, increasing intensity, etc.) is plenty of variety for your body. You won't likely find any long-term adaptation based solely on the movement itself.
My excercises look like this.

-Incline dumbbell press
-Leaning forward Dips

-Weighted Pull-ups
-back xtensions

-leg xtensions(machine)
-seated calfs

-Military Press

-Figure Dips and pull ups would get biceps?

-Already doing Dips

Swiss Ball Crunchs

Rest about 60 seconds between sets
-Weighted Pull-ups
-back xtensions your deads and squats will work your lower back - how about bb rows for a 2ns back exercise? They also work bis well.

-leg xtensions(machine) Squats are plenty, and you already have a pretty full routine. Unless you love leg ext., you could drop these.
-seated calfs no standing calf raises? Seated calves are great, but they isolate the soleus and don't touch the gastrocs

-Military Press
-Shrugs for traps, not delts, but it's good you have them. Deads work the traps, too, though

-Figure Dips and pull ups would get biceps?dips don't work bis at all, but your pull ups can work them.

-Already doing Dips couldn't hurt to add skulls or close-grip presses, though.
Thanx for the Reply!!
I'll look to change the seated calf's to standing calfs and add skulls. I just found out my 15/10 rep. maxes guess can i can fudge the 15/10 for skulls by what my 5 max is.
You're welcome.

If you didn't already start the HST cycle, take a day to find some 5RM maxes on the ones where guessing is harder (the heavy stuff). You can zero in on the exact # as you get closer to that day, but you don't want to find out that you were WAY off.
ya today was my 5rm...

Heck I feel stronger this week from just finding my 15rm on monday, 10 on wed and 5 today....

Oh and I foundout the gym has some dip/stair/calf raise machine in a corner.. i dusted it off so willl do that instead of seated calfs...

Ill keep the leg extentions and back extentions for this because I like the 2 excercises and I need the extra back strength for the type work I do. I will have to phase out the leg extensions though, the machine only goes up to 245lbs and my 5 rep max is 240....

ill drop by the gym monday to get an idea of my 5rm on skulls.. i forgot to do them.. that shouldnt mess up my SD for the week.