Is dirty bulking better than clean?

I was just thinking. People say it is harder to gain muscle and lose fat or fat percentage (gain pure muscles). Would you gain more mass if you eat as much as you can (considering you do eat a lot of protein from cheeseburgers etc not chicken breast) than if you restricted your diet. I think in UD2 it said that if you dont care about fat you should just eat and sit on your @$$ do nothing, workout, and repeat it all over. Then again when you have to cut, you would have a lot more fat to cut if you dirty bulk. So generally speaking which is better. To dirty bulk and gain a lot of fat and muscles and then cut, or to clean bulk gain some muscle and little fat and only have to cut a little?
If you know how many calories you are taking in either way, it probably won't make one bit of difference. You could sit around and eat chicken breasts and broccoli all day long, but if it's calories equal more than what you are using, you are going to gain fat anyways....
Thats not my point. My point is to ask if one should eat a lot of stuff and bulk and bulk, fat and muscle all together and then cut. Or is it better to eat healthy, restrict cals, CLEAN BULk, and cut little. Because I heard clean bulking dont get you as much muscle gain as dirty bulking.
No, you don't understand my point..... The answer to your question is that if you are TRULY bulking (i.e. calorie surplus) you are going to gain fat either way. And probably about the same amount no matter what you are eating, provided you are getting enough protein. Now, this being said, personally I find it easiest to devote my time to either all out bulking or all out cutting. Mixing the two don't work well for me, and won't work for most others unless some a serious AAS regimen is implemented as well.
baby a is correct you will gain fat eating clean or "dirty" foods.

the question should be rephrased to ask: is it better to eat a small amount of maintenance for a bulk with limited fat gain or well over maintance to ensure the maximum amount of muscle gain with a decent amount of fat gain.

there are pros and cons to both...

little over maintance pro:
-look good year around
-little time spent cutting

-must be maticulous about diet
-possible lack of progress if enough cals arent ingested
-slower strength gains (most likely)

well over maintenance pros:
-maximize potential for muscle gain
-good strength gains
-dont have to worry about diet too much
-no need to worry about lack of progress due to diet

-must cut longer
-more cutting = lack of strength gains
-more currint = possibility of lbm loss
-look chubby

so it really comes down to personal preference. i think the well over maintenance is best for most, as you dont need to be so strict about the diet. if you only go slightly over you risk the possibility of making little to no progress without enough cals.

hope that helps!
SO are you saying that I should dirty bulk and look chubby and fat for half the year and the cutt down and look good for the other half?

Clean bulking does allow you to bulk more though.

Dirty and Clean bulking does not refer to how many calories you are taking in. Dirty bulking means eating "unhealthy" foods. Clean bulking would be eating mostly "healthy" foods. For example a person who is "dirty" bulking will eat hamburgers, hot dogs, and cheesecake all day, and the clean bulk person will eat tuna, chicken breast, and fruit.

What you are talking about in this thread is simply amount of calories.

What do you mean by "clean" bulking allows you to bulk more?

Joe G
Funguy, here's a summation:

*Bulking means eating enough calories that you continue to put on weight. To do this, you need to eat more than you burn (be over maintenance).

*Clean/Dirty refers only to the type of foods ingested. For example, lean chicken pasta with olive oil, salad etc...vs a Quarter Pounder combo meal from McDonald's with the same amount of calories.

*Clean bulking means you are likely eating less sugars and saturated fats as a percentage of your diet, which in turn means you will probably. have to eat a greater mass of food to get the same number of cals.

*If you clean bulk taking in the same amount of calories as a dirty bulk, the results will be the same - in terms of muscle and fat gain. There may be other health problems associated with dirty bulking - same as anyone who eats too many saturated fats and sugars - or there may not be.

*There is discussion that a clean bulk, with a very high protein intake will gain you less fat compared to a dirty bulk. This view is based on the fact that converting protein to fat storage is metabolically inefficient - req's more energy than carbs/lipids to fat storage.

*If you bulk either way with a big surplus of calories you will gain muscle and fat, ideally @ a 3:1, 2.5:1 ratio. If you bulk with only a small surplus, your gains will be slower, and if you end up doing too much during the day they may not happen.

CALORIES are what matter...
Well, I think about it this way when Im presented with the desire to eat something out of the 'healthy' sprectrum...when I eat 'dirty' I dont regain my hunger as quickly...if Im eating a triple Wendies burger... I dont feel like eating a couple-three hours later...I get slugish...

Sure the cal's are there, a bit dirty yes, but its a trade off.
When I eat clean I feel clean...I run smooth. Mind you I eat like crap more often than it might sound like! LOL But I understand what Im doing and keep it in moderation.

Hell I was craving a BigMac the other day...lunch came a bit late and I seriously want to get two BigMacs for lunch...that sounded sooo dang good...when I got to the counter...I bought my bigmac...but I thought about it...I didnt get two..I didnt buy the combo...I simply got the sandwhich that I had wanted for a week...then I went to the teriyaki place and got myself a chicken sandwhich to go along with it...

Moral...treat yourself...but keep it within reason,,,your body will thank you.
With regards to gaining mass, Baby A is right on. To gain mass efficiently you have to over feed. There`s just no getting around it. There`s also no getting around the fact that this will cause fat gain. All things being equal(calories that is), you shouldn`t gain much more, or at all, whether you choose clean or dirty when bulking. Healthwise, and I think this is what you are really getting at, absolutely, it would be a heck of alot better to get the bulk of your calories from whole grains and a good assortment of fruits and veggies rather than Big Mac`s.

It`s contradictory because you`re over eating when bulking but my opinion is all things in moderation. A healthy assortment of "clean" foods, but the "dirty" stuff thrown in once in a while. Life is just to short. Relax and enjoy.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Sphinx @ Oct. 03 2005,2:45)]Well, I think about it this way when Im presented with the desire to eat something out of the 'healthy' sprectrum...when I eat 'dirty' I dont regain my hunger as quickly...
Most likely because of the "digestion profile" of the "dirty" foods: you generally get an insulin spike that makes you feel good for a bit, then a drop that makes you kind of logy/sleepy, then a slow steady supply of blood sugar via fat metabolism in your liver. The "clean" foods digest more evenly.

Everything you eat is used as, or converted to, one of three things though: glucose, protein (amino acids, really), or fat. The "essential" amino acids are the ones you can only get by eating. The other aminos you can synthesize (though it's easier to just eat them). Once you have enough of those, your body will make new glucose and/or new fat from all "excess" calories, even if it has to break down the amino acids (producing more urea, i.e., output nitrogen) to do so.

Carbohydrates are just sugars that convert directly (or almost) to glucose, and fat is essentially just "de-watered glucose".

Note that you can't make amino acids out of carbs or fat, though (they're missing essential molecules: nitrogen, and for thio aminos, sulfur).