Im 15 and want to start


New Member
hi guys, i just found this workout and am very excited about it. i play varsity football at my high school and this looks really beneficial. now, im just curious, i have a small gut, should i do this until a get big and then cut? and will i still be able to add pounds of muscle quick like 8 weeks like everybody else even though im young? thanks
I think the best thing to do is to just try it.
You're not going to go suddenly massive over night, even with drugs there is only so much muscle you can put on, and if your taking part in sport as well as training you shouldn't geta 'gut'.

By the way, without wanting to sound patronising, the best piece of advice I could give to someone young that wants to start building muscle is take your diet as seriously as you do the gym, read up on diet as much as possible!!!!! If you don't eat you won't get big!!!
Yeah, like ian said, diet is extremely important in lifting. You can lift day and night, but if you aren't eating enough and not eating the right things, your progress will be poor.

Anyway, it's good that you want to get into this early. I wish I was in your place. At your age, you could see some exceptional progress over the first few years, compared to the progress guys over 21 might be able to expect.
Just take it slow at first, make sure you maintain good form and learn the core lifts. Don't go too heavy at first, not until you have the coordination needed to handle heavy weights.
I say this to almost everyone, but in your case, I would really recommend that you stick to the main compounds. You want to build a solid foundation of strength and muscle for later in life. I would focus on squats, deadlift, bench, bentover rows and military press. That will get your whole body strong. It's also good for your bones, since you are still growing. As we all know, lifting weights is a good way to prevent bone problems later in life.

Being so young, I'm sure you could add a large amount of muscle in just a few months, maybe lose your gut at the same time. What is your current height and weight, by the way? You'll need that to figure out how many calories you should be eating per day.
Tot is right on the money!

Stick to compounds, 3x/week, and don't spend more than 1 hour in the gym!

Eat well and you'll probably loose your gut, for now eat at maintenance until your gut is gone, then go 500 or so calories, your body should just say "thanks for coming"......