hypertrophy from isometrics

Fellow HST folks,

I cannot find anything in the FAQ or on the forum that addresses isometrics. The Renex guys are all abuzz over it. Just curious if there is any literature addressing superior hypertrophy from pure isometrics, either loaded or pushing against an immovable object. Only text in the FAQ is on page 20:

If the movement is too slow, you begin to do quasi-isometric movements that fail to induce sufficient micro trauma.

Someone is seriously trying to claim that isometrics not only cause growth, but cause superior hypertrophy?
I've never seen anything that actually supports isometrics, unless they seriously cherry pick the **** out of it.

Seriously... that crap is for people too scared to lift anything heavy. They find all these excuses for why their way is going to work yet... they all stay small for some reason?
I do an isometric component at the end of my workout days, but it's really closer to a weighted-stretch than anything.

Anecdotally, I find that it helps me 'feel' a bit less sore after a day of lifting in the 5-->3 RM range but I can't say I've ever attributed hypertrophy to it.
Loaded stretches are very different to "isometrics". Do a basic search on pubmed and it will give you some studies on loaded stretches and how they improve flexibility (granted not all are great), although there is no solid research to support any type of hypertrophy from purely isometric exercises. It has been insinuated that there are some strength gains using some isometric exercises though, although nothing close to "evidence". e.g. Hercules chair or a plank would be a good example. I would hypothesis though that this is mainly due to stabilizer muscles neurologically adapting to load rather than the muscle "growing". Similar to when you begin a program and get stronger without getting bigger as such (usually "anatomical adaption"). Honestly though there is not enough research to make any solid claims when it comes to "isomtric specific training" for hypertrophy. That's a mouthful lol. What these guys are pitching is simply a marketing ploy in the direction of random **** that people might mark as the "new big thing". Stick to the science not the fairy tales is my suggestion.

Also you may want to look at the site from a critical thinking perspective. Look at all the ridiculous hyperbole...I mean really? lol.

So my opinion is that the site provided is a sales pitch akin to "natural therapies" pages that abhor all western medicine because "none of it works but check out these awesome cancer cure herbs".

Happy hunting :)