HST while cutting


New Member
Hello everybody! I've been training natural&seriously for almost 2 years now, I am form Europe and after I red an article on HST on T-mag.com and the feedback on this forum, I was thinking to give HST a try. Right now I am trying to loose weight and I am eating only 2000kcals a day and I was wondering if I should wait to finish cutting, then start HST or should I start right now? My 15,10,5RM will probably be a little smaller right now.... BTW, how do you find out your maxes, on monday the 15rm for all exercices, on wendsnay the 10rm and on friday the 5rm? Do you take this sets to failure? These are the questions I have right now, thank you very much!
Doing all the 15s on one day, 10s on another day, and 5s separate is a good plan. Add 2s too if you're planning on doing them.

I wouldn't go to failure, just as close to as I possibly could. I would have a spotter available with instructions not to even touch the bar unless it came crashing down on me, and then help lift it straight off...Just my way of doing it, but there shouldn't be any reason to actually find out when you max out - as long as you get pretty close.
If you're still cutting start HST now. It will minimize muscle loss while cutting.

HST is the method that provides maximal short-term stimulus towards larger muscles. If you're eating a surplus, that means the greatest growth. If you're eating a deficit, that means the lowest loss of muscle.

One warning: it will increase your appetite, which is tough on many dieters.
I go to failure when finding my maxes sometimes. If I pick a weight, get four reps, and can only get a partial after that, then I'll consider that weight as my 5RM. Otherwise, if I feel pretty good and "spent" after 5, 10, or 15 reps of another weight, I may just stick with that and not bother trying to crank out more reps.