HST Samples


New Member
I was hoping to find a strict HST sample routine I could follow without asking questions. But after reading the HST articles, I was totally confused. First on this link: http://www.hypertrophy-specific.com/hst_II.html the sample HST routine have 14 exercises 3 days/week and right on the next page: http://www.hypertrophy-specific.com/hst_notes.html we get a sample HST routine of 9 exercises 3 days/week.

I think HST newbies (like me) won't ask that much questions if we were gived a single, good and strict HST plan to avoid confusion.

Everytime I searched the forum to try to find some samples, I get 20 ppl showing their unique routine and that doesn't help me very much and I would like to start training without having to read the entire posts database :)

All that to say it would be nice if Brian could provide a strict sample to follow, I think that will help many.
