HST + AB split??


New Member
I am doing HST which has been fun! I enjoy going to the gym and knowing what I am going to be doing and get in and out! But I am also cutting and want to lose that last bit of love handles, ab fat that I have and thought I might do this workout(http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/hugo2.htm) in the early mornings and HST at my regular time..

What do you think? I know there is no such thing as spot reducing but I figured this might help some. Or should I do HIIT in the morn since it is more effective in burning fat....
While I'm a great advocate of "strengthening the core," ab work won't do much for getting cut in that area- only cutting will do that. Do the crunches for strength (and mas, if you really need that), but not to lose the handles!