How much fish oil per day

8 grams unless you've got a bleeding condition, in that case just 1. Generally thats 1 tablespoon of Flax, but I recommend Fish gel caps, it will say how much each cap contains and thats how much you take depending.

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Well, 240/260 mg of dha/epa a day is the recommended dosage by the american heart assoc. However thats even if you have bleeding issues. If no blood problems then up to 6g is good.
Its a pity that no real research has used 6-10g dha/epa. What htey have used is around 6g total fish oil.

Now how much to use depends on which research you look at

for normal heart disease risk, about 1g shows a vast improvemnt

for the nutrient partitioning effect human studies use around 6g fishoil/day
for anti-inflammatory effects a range of 1-18g daily could be useful

from the Stephen Clarke research, it seems like about 5% of you caloric intake should be from fish oils (12g total on a 2000kcal diet)
