How much alcohol you drink a week???

I don`t drink alcohol...nor do I smoke. I guess I`ll have to start planning that extra half-hour of life that I`ll get as reward for the above
I've more or less been an absolutist for a while now. I had my party years when I was 18, but ever since I got serious about weight lifting and eating right I've progressively decreased my alcohol intake. The last time I was actually drunk was 2 years ago on new year's, I think.

I don't drink beer at all these days. A bit of fine whiskey in very small amounts and only very rarely. That's pretty much it.
(Totentanz @ Apr. 13 2007,20:40)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I drink about one or two beers a year.</div>
Me too.....usually Christmas eve. Other than that I don't drink anymore. I was a border line alcoholic when I was in my late teens and through my 20's (I'll be 38 in June) and 8 years ago I decided it was time to stop before things really got out of hand. I also stopped smoking 13 years ago and that was one of the best decisions I have made in my life.
My wife is a wine distributor. Hence, I have a glass or two of wine every day with dinner. But hey, who wouldn't enjoy the finer things in life when you get them free? (wine is an extremely expensive hobby if your you don't get free samples!)
Drinking is a summer sport for me. When the weathers hot, I love a cold beer. Usually have anything from 1-6 beers when I'm drinking, and could drink anything from 1-3 nights a week in summer. 8-12 beers is a big session for me and I'm an amateur compared to those I socialise with.

When the weather turns cold, I don't drink and get more serious about training, so I can go 6-8 months without alcohol every year. I do it arse about - beer gut for the summer months, look my best in winter when no one but me &amp; the Mrs can see!

What am I drinking - Carlton Draught for anyone that knows Aussie beers. I don't mind the odd Becks or Carlsberg either.
I was an alcoholic/doper for 21 years...sober now for about 17.
I now use alcohol to sterilize injuries and smoke salmon.

Alcohol is very detrimental to BB'ers. But I ain't preachin'.
(Bulldog @ Apr. 13 2007,23:59)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(Totentanz @ Apr. 13 2007,20:40)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I drink about one or two beers a year.</div>
Me too.....usually Christmas eve. Other than that I don't drink anymore. I was a border line alcoholic when I was in my late teens and through my 20's (I'll be 38 in June) and 8 years ago I decided it was time to stop before things really got out of hand. I also stopped smoking 13 years ago and that was one of the best decisions I have made in my life.</div>
Dealing with alcoholism seems like a good deterrent. That's why I don't like alcohol. My mother is alchoholic and has been as long as I can remember. I will never drink anything harder than beer or possible wine and champagne if I'm at some kind of special gathering or something.
From what I've seen in my life, there is nothing cool or fun about getting drunk. The only time that drunk people are not annoying as hell is when you are drunk yourself.

But then again, I'm also kind of a self-control freak, so...
Quad, would be interested to know why you commented that alcohol is detremental to BB's?? Is this based on science or your experience?

Like Sci, I do enjoy an occassional wine (or beer) with dinner but never thought it would interfere with my training. Actually, I believe I read that moderate red wine has a beneficial effect on cardio function.
I'll let Quad answer for himself, of course, but that stuff about alcohol being good for cardio health is overblown. I read a study several years ago where a fuller analysis was done and the conclusion was that other alcohol-related risk factors outweigh any benefits. Try a search and you will find plenty of stuff on the web related to alcohol risk factors, among them numerous cancers. At least some of the benefit claimed from red wine appears to actually be from grape polyphenols, not the alcohol.
Yes, alcohol is nasty stuff. I just drink wine with dinner for the taste...seriously wine is a tasting hobby for some. At 200 lb.s, a glass of wine with dinner has no affect on me whatsoever as far as intoxication.
I got drunk about a month ago with some buddies drinking beer and vodka, I felt like absolute hell the next day. Since then I have sworn off drunkeness, I hate it. I haven't had more than 3 drinks in one day since then. And on average drink 7-8 drinks/week (again wine with dinner, not for intoxication).

I agree alcohol isn't healthy, it is basically pure poison. But one drink with food or at a social event isn't going to affect your health or bodybuilding significantly at all.
This is from Lady C. on

Many people will choose low calorie alcohol drinks or low carb alcoholic beverages in an attempt to avoid the fat storage issue. They feel that by making this choice the only bad effects of alcohol - increased fat storage - will be minimized.

But what you didn't know is that only about 5% of the calories from alcohol are stored as fat! [14]

Then it hit me as it should hit you right about now...

The effects of alcohol on the body are far more damaging than can be predicted by the number of empty calories in some alcoholic beverage.

The truth is...

1- Alcohol really affects the amount of fat your body can and will burn for energy!

In a study done by the American Journal of Clinical Research [4] they concluded that just a mere 24g of alcohol consumption showed whole-body lipid oxidation ( the rate at which your body burns fat) decreased by a whopping 73%!

When alcohol goes thru the liver, the by-product is called Acetate. It would appear that acetate puts the proverbial brakes on fat burning.

Your body can use many types of fuel. Protein, carbohydrates and fat. In many cases, the fuel used is dictated by it's availability.

Trouble is...

Your body tends to use whatever you feed it for fuel right? As your acetate levels increase, your body burns more acetate as fuel.

What this means is...

Fat burning takes a back seat!

What it all boils down to is this...

a) You consume a couple of alcoholic drinks or more.
b) Your liver metabolizes that into acetate.
c) Your body uses the acetate for fat as fuel.

2- Increase in appetite

In another American Journal of Clinical Nutrition study, there was evidence to suggest that consumption of alcohol lead to an increase in appetite over that of any other carbohydrate type drink. [5]

Researchers over in the Research Department of Human Nutrition and Center for Advanced Food Studies in Denmark [8] concluded that consumption of alcoholic beverages, and wine in particular, may enhance total energy intake at a meal relative to a soft drink, when served with no restriction.

3- Decrease in Testosterone and an Increase in Cortisol

A study of 8 healthy male volunteers observed that after drinking alcohol, the effects of a significant decrease in testosterone and an increase in cortisol (a muscle destroying hormone) lasted up to 24 hours! [6]

The only real question to ask yourself is this...

If you are serious about building muscle and burning fat, you want all the free testosterone levels you can get and you want to reduce cortisol in any way you can. That means go lite on the drinking because it does affect your hormones.

What more...

Is that the effects were even worse if you exercise before drinking. [1] This means that if you are going out and will be drinking more than a small amount of alcohol, you might as well skip the gym.

Not shocking is a study done by the Department of Radiology, Sahlgrenska Hospital, Goteborg, Sweden [2] that determined increased waist to hip ratio of alcoholics may include not only changes in adipose tissue, but also in muscle tissue distribution.

In layman's terms.. that means more fat around the waist and less overall muscle mass.

4- Decrease in vitamin and mineral absorption

When you consume large quantities of alcohol, your liver is busy converting the alcohol to acetate and any vitamins and minerals that it might process are taken up by the detoxification process.

Alcohol interferes with the metabolism of most vitamins, and with the absorption of many nutrients. Alcohol stimulates both urinary calcium and magnesium excretion. [13]

This just means that you'll get less of a benefit from the &quot;healthy&quot; meal you may be consuming.

Food in the stomach will compete with ethanol for absorption into the blood stream. It is well known that alcohol competes and influences the processing of nutrients in the body. [12]

5- Decrease in protein synthesis of type II fibers

This means the actual building of muscle is slowed down by 20%+ or more. This included a 35% decrease in muscle insulin-like growth factor-I (GF-I). [9]

6- Dehydration

A common side effect of alcohol is dehydration. Alcohol is a diuretic. Drinks containing 4% alcohol tend to delay the recovery process. [11]

Considering how important water is to muscle building and general health, it's clear that dehydration can put a damper on your progress. After alcohol consumption the first thing you might want to do is drink coffee. But that's a diuretic as well. How to avoid dehydration? Drink more water.

7- Sleep

Alcohol consumption, especially at the times when you would normally sleep, can have effects on the quality of sleep. Clearly high quality sleep is extremely important to the rebuilding and growth process of muscle. Without proper rest and recovery, your gains will be affected.

Alcohol consumption can induce sleep disorders by disrupting the sequence and duration of sleep states and by altering total sleep time as well as the time required to fall asleep. [10]

8- The next day

A rather obvious conclusion but if you plan on drinking on a Friday night in excess then the leg workout you thought of doing on Saturday morning won't be top notch. It takes a bit to recover, your body to detoxify and for you mentally to be prepared to workout.

Not to mention you need energy for the workout ahead.

Sure you can hit the weights but my point is...

It's not going to be the best workout you've ever experienced.

At this point you might be totally discouraged to ever drink any alcohol again. But there's some good news.

Here's proof...

In the November 2004 issue of the International Journal of Obesity [7] they did a study on the effects of moderate consumption of white wine on weight loss.

Each group consumed 1500 calories. 150 calories came from white wine in one group and 150 calories from grape juice in another.

The conclusion?

An energy-restricted diet is effective in overweight and obese subjects used to drinking moderate amounts of alcohol. A diet with 10% of energy derived from white wine is as effective as an isocaloric diet with 10% of energy derived from grape juice.

It's simple: Moderation is the key! (with first place being abstinence as you already know).

In any event...

The effects of alcohol on your body when it comes to building muscle and burning fat are quite clear. It is a lot more than just some extra calories stored as fat. If you consume too much, it can derail your goals a lot longer after your head has hit the pillow and you've gone to sleep.


1. Heikkonen, E., Ylikahri, R., Roine, R., Valimaki, M., Harkonen, M., &amp; Salaspuro, M. (1996). The combined effect of alcohol and physical exercise on serum testosterone, luteinizing hormone, and cortisol in males. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research, 20, 711-716

2. Kvist, H., Hallgren, P., Jonsson, L., Pettersson, P., Sjoberg, C., Sjostrom, L., &amp; Bjorntorp, P. (1993). Distribution of adipose tissue and muscle mass in alcoholic men. Metabolism, 42, 569-573

3. Raben A, Agerholm-Larsen L, Flint A, Holst JJ, Astrup A. (2003). Meals with similar energy densities but rich in protein, fat, carbohydrate, or alcohol have different effects on energy expenditure and substrate metabolism but not on appetite and energy intake. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 77, 91-100

4. Siler, S.Q., Neese, R.A., &amp; Hellerstein, M.K. (1999). De novo lipogenesis, lipid kinetics, and whole-body lipid balances in humans after acute alcohol consumption. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 70, 928-936

5. Tremblay, A., &amp; St-Pierre, S. (1996). The hyperphagic effect of a high-fat diet and alcohol intake persists after control for energy density. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 63, 479-482

6. Valimaki, M.J., Harkonen, M., Eriksson, C.J., &amp; Ylikahri, R.H. (1984). Sex hormones and adrenocortical steroids in men acutely intoxicated with ethanol. Alcohol, 1, 89-93

7. Flechtner-Mors, M., Biesalski, H.K., Jenkinson, C.P., Adler, G., &amp; Ditschuneit, H.H. (2004). Effects of moderate consumption of white wine on weight loss in overweight and obese subjects. International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders, 28, 1420-1426

8. Buemann, B., Toubro, S., &amp; Astrup, A. (2002). The effect of wine or beer versus a carbonated soft drink, served at a meal, on ad libitum energy intake. International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders, 26, 1367-1372

9. Lang CH, Frost RA, Kumar V, Wu D, Vary TC. (2000). Inhibition of muscle protein synthesis by alcohol is associated with modulation of eIF2B and eIF4E, 3, 322-31

10. Alcohol Alert, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, No. 41 July. 1988

11. Shirreffs, Susan M., and Ronald J Maughan. 91997). Restoration of fluid balance after exercise-induced dehydration: effects of alcohol consumption, Journal of Applied Physiology, Vol. 83, No. 4, pp. 1152-1158

12. &quot;Alcohol, chemistry and you,&quot; Kennesaw State University,, Aug. 2002

13. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Report to Congress, 1990

14. &quot;Why alcohol calories are more important than you think,&quot; Christian Finn,
College is ending, but the binge drinking will start back up this summer once I have the time and money to do so. I answered 6-12 drinks/week for now, but as I said that will go up.
Upon joining my church, I quit drinking (not a condemnation on drinking, a judgement on others or anything like that, just a commitment to discipline and sober living). Anyway, I'm glad I did, because I would have a heck of a time living with all those extra calories!
I can't think about this. I went crazy last summer. I don't know maybe it was some sort of mid life crisis.

But I have slowed down to just a few drinks on Friday night and that's it.

I'll probably still party hard on holiday's like 4th of July, my Birthday, labor and memorial days. I love the summer, but it will be much more toned toned this year except for maybe those 4 days.