Check out the bar attachment near the bottom of this page: T-Bar Handle Attachment
The base attachment looks pretty cool too. But it wouldn't be absolutely necessary, as you could use the corner of a room.
For 35$ the bar attachment seems worth it. You could try to make something similar using piping parts (a cross, reducing couplings, 1" diameter pipes for handles, etc.) from Home Depot, Lowes, or most home improvement/hardware stores. But I think the cost of the parts would come close to $35 if not more.
If I'd not just made myself a combat handle (a la sorinex styly) for FCT's; 3 bits of tube & some square section...
Why not look around for a set of old bicycle handlebars; steel tubing so as to allow the welding on of either a ring or hook - this'll allow you to evaluate "T" bar rows without costing a penny