help wanted


New Member
well as stated in the fibers thread, i am 15 5'6-5'7 and now about 138(started at 120) and have been lifting for a few months. after every lifting session i am sure to have 1 scoop(20 grams) of my 100% whey protein prowder. Although i have packed on a decent amount of weight, i don't really see any visual improvements. I love to eat, and do plenty of it(although maybe not the required protein amount). I rarely will have soda or "sweets" and anything fairly unhealthy(ie icecream, candy, muffins, chips) but i am confident that i am getting my daily requirement of fats( and prob more).
my stomach has put on a little more fat than before, but muscle wise i have seen small gains. with the dramatic weight gain is it "normal" to not see gains( and not really setbacks either)

about 2 years ago i went from 85 to about 100 in 2 weeks while eating/lifting like i usually did.
is this normal? any suggestions at all would greatly be appreciated( ie change in diet, lifting, anything)

i just finished my 2 weeks of no weight lifting( s.d). However, when i was already half way through i found that i was sopposed to find my 15, 10, 5 max beforehand. today i found my 15 max's...should i find my other max's and then start my HST routine?
You have to find your 15, 10 and 5 maxes and then go SD. Be sure to understand HST to the point. With mistakes like that it may be hard road ahead of you

"about 2 years ago i went from 85 to about 100 in 2 weeks while eating/lifting like i usually did" So you were lifting weights at the age on 13 :confused: Probably gains are more to your physical development than lifting weights.
But to the point. You cannot grow if your calories are below your consumption. Also check your protein intake which should be 1g/pound.
Still you are 15, don`t worry about gaining muscle mass. You`ll get it and tell you the truth it`s better to your development to take other sports also...
I agree, don't pass up on sports. I mean you can ... but i think they're fun, they aid development of alot more things than physically (dedication, discipline, mentality) and you'll have a blast in HS if you're involved in sports.

I played football throughout HS until senior year football camp i quit and went full out bodybuilding. I had been interested in bodybuilding for a while, and finally decided to go with it. When i look back, although i made great success finally going directly with bodybuilding (eating right, working out 'my way' and consistently), i was only 18. Those last 5-6 months of football wouldn't have hurt my physique all that much in the end but i did miss out on that year of comradeship with my buddies. Especially senior year football, i busted butt all those years to get to the top, and then ended it.

I also played a year of water polo, what an experience that was! Want to talk about mentality? Discipline? Try treading water, sprinting laps, etc. for 2 hours. No touching the ground, the walls, nothing. I thought football was hard, and i liked that, but water polo was MUCH harder. I really feel that the sports i played in HS gave me the discipline and dedication to bodybuilding that i have today. In the end, they build character. :D
My apologies, here is some info i forgot to add. I am involved in x country, basketball, and lacrosse. basketball i play for fun consecutively and lacrosse and xcountry i have been on the school team for. The ideal look i would like to look like is probably Terrell Owens or the ever popular lebron james. I have not dedicated my whole life to be in contests, in fact i wouldn't want to be big enough to win a contest. I am just trying to improve strength and have the looks to go along with it. If you saw terrel owens there would be no doubt that you knew hes worked out hard for years, and thats what i want people to think when they see me. I do know that "bulking up" will slow down my x country times, but thats not something im too concerned about. I have considered doing the Max OT for that though. My fastest 1 mile was 5 40 and 3 miles was 19 30. I have pretty good endurance already so im not too concerned about it.
Also, the most consecutive weightliftng i have done is about 4-6 months, so when lifting at 13 i wasn't incredibly serious.

However, that doesn't answer my question. My question is that is it "normal" to gain about 10-15 lbs in a short time with nothing to show for it? Would just intaking more protein solve the problem( every other nutrient is covered)? When i found out that I was sopposed to find out my Max's before SD i had already started my SD phase. like stated, i found out my max's for 15's yesterday. Would you recommend me just finding my m,ax's for 10's and 5's then start the HST program or would you suggest something else?
I know the feeling. I doubt you gained all that weight and it doesn't show. Did you take measurements, before and after?
Per chance, did your voice start to change when you had that radical weight gain? It sounds like your jewels may have woken up from their pre-puberty sleep.
haha no. I wouldn't have minded if it was from a growth spurt, and my voice changed when i was 13(few months after my first "weight spurt"). I have been starting to get more facial hair, but i don't think that would cause thaty much of a weight increase. Unfortunately, i didn't take measurements. It wouldn't so much bother me if i didn't gain muscle or weight, but i consider my weight gain a lot and don't really see what made the scale jump.