Free BEER!


New Member
Ok, now that I got all your attention (sorry I got your hopes up) I really need someone to help me out on creating a new workout because I injured my shoulder recently. The physiotherapist told me that one of my shoulder stabilizers is really tight which was causing the pain. So I have one more session with him and I can hit the gym. But I want to have a workout made so I can show it to him and have him comment on it. So, basically I was wonder if anyone could please help me create a workout.

My main goal is size and I want to focus mainly on my back, arms and legs. I would like to include Eric Cressey's rotator cuff workout so I don't have any more of these injuries. So basically I want my workout to have:

1. Goal: size and strengthen shoulder stabilizers (increase shoulder health)
2. I would like to use Hypertrophy Specific (HST) guideline
3. Would like to prioritize back, legs and arms (no need for shoulders because of the rot. workout which i'd like to have on a seperate day) and want very minimal chest work until my shoulders are better.
4. The days I can workout are Sun, Mon,Tues,Wed,Thurs.
5. And exercise I like are squats and deads (of course), pull-ups/pull-downs, B-O rows and cable rows and zottman and French presses but I'm up to trying new things.

Thanks a whole lot, I know this is a lot to ask but it would be really appreciated.
Alrighty, well how about...

Squat x2
Deadlift x2,
BB Row x2,
Weighted Chins or Pulldowns x2,
Curls x1,
Tri Ext x1,
Somewhere in there you should really do slight incline press x2. Incline stuff tends to go easier on the rotators than flat pressing, and you should have some kind of chest work. Maybe experiment with DB's and different incline angles to find something that works. Chest work is important for the sake of balance.

Do it sunday, tuesday, and thursday. Read the FAQ to set it up.
I would recommend using dumbells, one arm at a time, at least for the overhead work. I've personally found that I'm much more likely to aggravate injuries when working both arms overhead together, wether it be a bar or a machine.

In most cases, the strong arm leads me to put the weak arm into a compromising position with an unhappy result!