For those who like to lift heavy

For the record, as Vicious suggested, i'm not doing loaded stretches until the neg's. I will still be using stretch-point exercises from the beginning though.
Just as a side note: as you approach your stretch-point 5RM, you'll find yourself probably doing a lot of "compound-isolation" variation in order to complete the set.

For example, for the DB flies, you'd use your 5RM for normal DB flies. But, you'll notice that, when done deep toward the floor, you'll have problems with leverage as you go heavier. Thus, you would press upwards to compensate, and then lower with the fly movement. Similar advice applies especially to overhead extensions (i.e. military press upward, then do normal extension movement.) Again, you'll know when to switch when it gets too heavy.

Not sure if I brought this up before, but you'll probably want to LS for calves (since they're mostly slow twitch) during the first week of 5s. It's easy, just hold at the bottom and curl your toes in. You can LS with the other movements during your last week of 5s (since you're going to do 3 weeks) to get used to it.

Just refining what we're talking about. I want you to hurry up too. ;)

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Just refining what we're talking about. I want you to hurry up too.

I know, right. It's too dang exciting i tell ya.

Yes you did mention starting LS with calf raises right away, which i'm going to do. Just wrote it down in my Heavy HST log.

And 3 weeks of 5's changed to 2 weeks of 5's because i prefer a 9 day SD, and you suggested if only SD'ing for 9 days, to shorten 5's to 2 weeks instead of 3. This will make things simpler for me as well with progression and all, it will be just as normal. Simple = good for the first cycle. I can slowly get creative. With your brain and my body, who knows what we can create!
Didn't feel like opening up a whole new thread for this, so decided to ask it here.

What determines muscle hardness? Is it just low bodyfat? Or conditioning? I've personally noticed it more from lifting heavy with low reps, rather than less weight and more reps.
Simple guide to Instinct Training:

Muscle hardness = sarcomere hypertrophy

Muscle fullness = glycogen storage (which is partially related to sarcoplasmic hypertrophy)

Post-exercise tightness = strain from exercise (partial leakage from microtrauma leads to pain receptors going "what did you man?" This is a good way to know whether a stretch-point exercise is working for you.

Burn = lactic acid = metabolic stress. This is usually felt during exercise. This is a good way to evaluate whether you're doing enough metabolic work in order to optimally mobilize nutrients for growth.

Looking at Ashlee Simpson = hypertrophy

Listening to Ashlee Simpson = atrophy

I allways do 9 day SD's. The basic HST format says 9-14day SD. Basically i'll end my last workout on a Friday, then take the whole next week off, which including the immediate saturday and sunday come out to 9 days. It's just keeps things simple. I freak out taking 2 whole weeks off, although i've done it.
I've done 14 day SDs so far, might try 9 days for the next one. The last few days are full of anticipation, but it's the middle 4-5 which just become very restless.
I really, really look forward to my SDs. I really don't want to see a gym for a good week after my routine. The 2nd week I get a little impatient. Into the 3rd week, I'm dying to get back in.

I miss the gym on my rest days.....14 days off drives me nuts
It's easier when your body is telling you to stop. If you do the 6x-a-week thing, plus the negatives thing, plus the stretches thing, plus the metabolic work thing, you'll know what I mean. ;)

[b said:
Quote[/b] (vicious @ Feb. 17 2005,4:43)]Thus, you would press upwards to compensate, and then lower with the fly movement.  Similar advice applies especially to overhead extensions (i.e. military press upward, then do normal extension movement.)
Now here's a beautiful bit of information! Yet another simple solution I'd missed...

Thanks, Jules!
[b said:
Quote[/b] (vicious @ Feb. 17 2005,1:25)]Looking at Ashlee Simpson = hypertrophy
Would that be sarcomeric or sarcoplasmic
Most definitely, sarcoplasmic. The occlusion is unbelievable!

But I do believe necrosis occurs while listening to her. It just doesn't come back.

Look, I think it's time that some of the USA population took responsibility for Ashlee Simpson, JoJo and Hilary Duff. I'm not being anti-American in anyway, believe me. The world has held Canada responsible for both Bryan Adams and Celine Dion, the Brits are currently under trial for the 'Spice Girl debacle' and I think it's time to place accountability somewhere for the teen-thing.


Question I forgot to ask:

How intense is a heavy-cycle like this on the joints?
I posted this in another thread, but it makes more sense to post it here :

I workout alone in my basement, and I don't have access to a training partner. I can't do negatives, can I do all cluster reps? I'd really like to do negs, but I don't think I can without a partner. I have a bench, a power rack, and a home gym.

Thanks. I think I may do this instead of Max-OT, if there's a way.
I work out alone also and do not do negs, but there are ways to do negs alone on some muscles. Use a two limb concentric with a one limb eccentric (Calfs, DB Curls, DB Crossface, Leg Extension, Leg Curl to name a few).

Biz mentioned in another thread, and I agree, that when clustering you can manage fatique better and load a little heavier also, so this may work for you too. Give it a shot.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]Thanks. I think I may do this instead of Max-OT, if there's a way.

You may want to try out the second Max-OT/HST hybrid listed in the Customizing thread.

Basically, every Monday, you test out your strength levels on your compound movements. One or two sets to failure. Then through the rest of week, you switch to cluster training with a higher total # of reps. Then, as you did the previous Monday, you plan to increase the load for the next week and test out how many reps you can perform, and repeat the whole thing again. If you're interested, more details are listed in the thread.
