Erroneous Claims Regarding The Stimulus For Muscle Hypertrophy

Bryan Haycock

Staff member
This paper is by Ralph Carpinelli. He's connected to the Department of Health Studies, Physical Education and Human Performance Science at Adelphi University. His critical commentary on hypertrophy research is impressive and cannot be ignored by any of us who claim to "know" this or that about how experienced lifters grow.

This Critical Commentary (attached) addresses some recent review articles and training studies specifically focused on the stimulus for muscle hypertrophy in participants with several years of resistance training experience. It reveals that many of the recommended resistance training protocols have their foundation in some long-held, self-described bias.


Hello Bryan, I simply love this "
Note: Although broscience is not a real word, it refers to
anecdotal and usually clueless opinions about how to train for
optimal physiological adaptations such as muscle hypertrophy.
Broscience is not always wrong but usually is not
substantiated with resistance training studies. Proponents of
broscience (bros) believe that their opinions are more credible
than the scientific research."

Nice paper BTW.
Interesting results........

91. Barbalho M, Coswig VS, Steele J, et al. Evidence for
an upper threshold for resistance training volume in
trained women. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2019; 51(3):
92. Barbalho M, Coswig VS, Steele J, et al. Evidence of a
ceiling effect for training volume in muscle
hypertrophy and strength in trained men—less is
more? Int J Sports Physiol Perform 2019; June 12: 1-
23 doi: 10.1123/ijspp.2018-0914 [Epub ahead of
Interesting results........

91. Barbalho M, Coswig VS, Steele J, et al. Evidence for
an upper threshold for resistance training volume in
trained women. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2019; 51(3):
92. Barbalho M, Coswig VS, Steele J, et al. Evidence of a
ceiling effect for training volume in muscle
hypertrophy and strength in trained men—less is
more? Int J Sports Physiol Perform 2019; June 12: 1-
23 doi: 10.1123/ijspp.2018-0914 [Epub ahead of

oh yeah that's a cool paper, I remember that one. So you DO still read on this a bit eh?
Have you read some of Cody Haun's stuff about sarcoplasmic hypertrophy?
oh yeah that's a cool paper, I remember that one. So you DO still read on this a bit eh?
Have you read some of Cody Haun's stuff about sarcoplasmic hypertrophy?
No actually I hadn't in some time. But Bryan's post looked interesting so I read through it and, as usual the references (where I could).
Yes confirmation that the ties between sarco and myo isn't nearly so tight as we thought.
And another cool study recently by Mathias showing really delayed hypertrophy (well after that usual 48 hour post workout window).
I'll have to dig those up if your interested.