Equalizing Leg Size


New Member
Like many people I'm sure, I have one leg naturally bigger than the other, most noticeably in the calf.

Is the best way to go about building up the little fella to do an extra set or two of my standing calf presses just on that leg?


I used to do a lot of skateboarding so one calf (my left) grew larger due to all the scooting about I did. Since then they've evened up again.

If you take part in a sport that requires asymmetric use of your body you may well find that different muscles develop more on one side than the other.

In your case, I think adding in a bit more work for the smaller calf would be worth a try. On the other hand, you could leave the calf that is larger and only work the smaller one. Once it has caught up, go back to working both. Single-legged calf raises holding a db would be ideal for this. You could also do negs just for the little fella assisting the concentric with your other leg.
If you want to focus on one part, you should to drop the work on the other part to just what you need to maintain.