Emphasizing Quads during Squats

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This is my 7th HST cycle and I am having a problem with squats. I've been told my form is "perfect," however, I seem to feel it more in the hamstrings and glutes. I keep my chest out and head up, no rounding of the back and push through the heels. My stance is usually shoulder width or wider with my toes slightly out. I never go lower than parrallel and usually higher than that as I have long thighs. I've used the Smith machine, Hack Squat and most often the bar with a squat rack.

Is there anything I can do to emphasize working the quads? What about placing my heels on a couple of plates? Help!
Its hard to give an answer without actually watching you myself. But here is a suggestion.
Instead of asking how you can emphasie your quads, try to figure out why you are involving your hams so heavily.
Although your form is 'perfect' in terms of chest out, head up, and no back rounding, perhaps you are actually sticking your @$$ out a little too far backwards and have slightly too much forward lean (think stiff leg deads....stick @$$ out backwards and lean forward...targets hams and glutes nicely! ). You could try maintaing a slightly more upright position and see how that feels.
Alternatively you could try the leg press. see if you have the same problem with that.
I personally am not a fan of modifying the squat by performing bizarre variations or raising heels.
I too have squat 'issues', so I can empathize. Long legs, seemingly short torso make it tough; I have to concentrate on every rep & still it never feels right. I have to really watch the butt coming out as well.

It has it's downside, but I have placed a wedge-shaped board under my heels (about 1" tall) and I did find that it helped me stay upright. Otherwise, I really tend to fall backward unless I really turn my toes out & get on the inside of my feet & bring my knees in(if you can envision that). Not good.

Though I am not much of a fan of Smith squats, one thing you can do with those is place your feet roughly 12" forward of the bar. Play with it to see what feels best, but you will definitely feel the quads that way.

As soon as I get a trap bar, I'm going to start going with deadlifts, very upright & butt in. Until then, however, I will struggle thru w/ squats. If only I could leg press at home. :confused:
You cant really emphasize the quads during squat, as there is too many muscle groups involved in the squat. Leg ext will 'isolate' the quads, but can be harsh on the knees.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]actually sticking your @$$ out a little too far backwards and have slightly too much forward lean

I think this is my main problem. And I realize that I can't really isolate my quads as Aaron pointed out, but it just seems like they are underworked in the squat compared to my glutes and hams. I only get DOMS in the rear end and back of my legs.

Smith machine may be the answer altho I still don't feel it much there. Leg press is the same -- don't feel much in the quads. Leg ext I definitely do.

Thanks for your suggestions.

Try rotating your back squats with front squats every other workout, or every other cycle. Also, try to avoid elevating your feet with weight plates......not good for the feet under heavy loads. Try using a 2"X6" a little longer than your foot and elevate it to the height you want.

My 2 cents,
Some people just dont have the structure for getting good quads from squats, and end up just having a big butt.

Im in that boat, I cant get strong in squats, but still doesnt give me good quads
Dude you are suppose to feel it in your hammies and @$$. Squats are not suppose to be something just for quads. You are doing them right. A lot of people have problems learning to sit back during squats. Once you learn to sit back you can start lifting a lot more weight. You @$$, hammies, and hips give you a lot more power and strength.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Hayat @ Nov. 15 2003,1:13)]Dude you are suppose to feel it in your hammies and @$$. Squats are not suppose to be something just for quads. You are doing them right. A lot of people have problems learning to sit back during squats. Once you learn to sit back you can start lifting a lot more weight. You @$$, hammies, and hips give you a lot more power and strength.
That really goes for PL Squats.

For I'd love to see a person try to sit back during an OLY Squat.

OLY Squats and and Front Squats, as well as Barbell Hack Squats will help emphasize the quadriceps or (depending upon what pov you're taking) de-emphasize the glutes/hams.

I think PL Squats are useful, though, for posterior chain work, hip strength, and even adding some extra stress to the vastus medialis. That's why, when "on", I add them into my training in addition to my OLY work.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Hayat @ Nov. 15 2003,7:13)]Dude you are suppose to feel it in your hammies and @$$. Squats are not suppose to be something just for quads
I know this, which is why I said above that the quads could not be isolated in squat.

I have been powerlifting for about 14years now and not all people sit back in squats :) maybe in hte APF more do, but in more restrictive federations that dont allow monolifts, most dont squat wide enough to sit back properly.

and the reason why limb length comes into play, as some can squat any way they want and their quads will blow up, others can squat their brains out (my best is only a pitiful 260kg) and still have tiny legs - hammies included.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Baoh @ Nov. 16 2003,7:44)]OLY Squats and and Front Squats, as well as Barbell Hack Squats will help emphasize the quadriceps or (depending upon what pov you're taking) de-emphasize the glutes/hams.
Not really, depth has a major inpact on glute activation, and front squats could potentially lead to less quad stimulation, as the overall load is lower.
Wider squats (1.5Xshoulder width+) can potentially allow a larger load to be applied to the quad, as you can squat larger amounts overall.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Aaron_F @ Nov. 15 2003,7:17)]
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Baoh @ Nov. 16 2003,7:44)]OLY Squats and and Front Squats, as well as Barbell Hack Squats will help emphasize the quadriceps or (depending upon what pov you're taking) de-emphasize the glutes/hams.
Not really, depth has a major inpact on glute activation, and front squats could potentially lead to less quad stimulation, as the overall load is lower.
Wider squats (1.5Xshoulder width+) can potentially allow a larger load to be applied to the quad, as you can squat larger amounts overall.
Yet, those I have observed to Front Squat have well-developed quads (usually, however, I've seen the rare guy with crappy quads), and the quads of many who do PL Squats tend to be less impressive than the quads of those who have a history of OLY Squats (usually, however, I've seen guys, like Tommy Fannon, who have superb quad development). Greater ROM with the OLY. Greater load with the PL.

And then there is my own experience. A greater load in the PL Squat causes my quads to regress and my hams and @$$ to accelerate in gain accrual. The reverse is basically true for me, too. If I do both, I grow everywhere at about the same rate.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Baoh @ Nov. 16 2003,3:52)]Yet, those I have observed to Front Squat have well-developed quads (usually, however, I've seen the rare guy with crappy quads), and the quads of many who do PL Squats tend to be less impressive than the quads of those who have a history of OLY Squats (usually, however, I've seen guys, like Tommy Fannon, who have superb quad development). Greater ROM with the OLY. Greater load with the PL.
And then there is my own experience. A greater load in the PL Squat causes my quads to regress and my hams and @$$ to accelerate in gain accrual. The reverse is basically true for me, too. If I do both, I grow everywhere at about the same rate.
Hence going back to limb differences, I can OL squat, front squat or PL squat, makes no difference to my legs
I was repping 260kg with 25" thighs (with a suit down mind), I know people who cant even squat 150 but have larger thighs

Research shows the overall loading (EMG activity) as slightly higher on PL squats in quads than in Front or narrow squats. The additional weight on an average person should allow some additional thigh growth, but as some people are not average it doesnt work out that way in the end.

Also looking at OL or PL for a guide to how you grow due to a loading isnt very good, as the top lifters are there because they have the perfect build to do what they do.
You dont get too many 4'4" basketballers, or too many 110lb 6'8" PL's
I agree with what you've presented.

I should note that I wasn't talking about the top guys, though, even though TF may be moving up the ladder.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]I was repping 260kg with 25" thighs (with a suit down mind), I know people who cant even squat 150 but have larger thighs

Just to illustrate your point. i have 25'' thighs now and i can only squat 160kg 1RM (hips below knee joint level).
[b said:
Quote[/b] (stevie @ Nov. 17 2003,11:18)]Just to illustrate your point. i have 25'' thighs now and i can only squat 160kg 1RM (hips below knee joint level).
I have 27-29" thighs now (depending on where I measure them) and cant do much more than 210kg at the best of times. Leg extentions made the biggest difference to me
how do u handle leg extensions when you approach your 5rm?
My 5 rm for leg ext is 45 kg but any load over 30 kg is a pain for my knees.