Dup, Rpe And Hst

Dude you're going to try out for ANW? I love that show! (Hipster moment: I love Sasuke too!)

I'm making my video this weekend, with one of my training clients. He's also going to edit the video for me. If I get on the show, I'll post it on here because I'll need all the support I can get.
As a BB I believe you set up your DUP routine towards hypertrophy...would you mind to share your current routine?

I'm trying to set up a growth routine on DUP but still have some doubts. One of them is how to specialize on arms, since mine are lagging. I opted for an approach with strength / power / volume day, but unsure if it's the best way to go when training for size.

As a BB I believe you set up your DUP routine towards hypertrophy...would you mind to share your current routine?

I'm trying to set up a growth routine on DUP but still have some doubts. One of them is how to specialize on arms, since mine are lagging. I opted for an approach with strength / power / volume day, but unsure if it's the best way to go when training for size.


Monday hypertrophy 8 reps - bench, squat, deadlift and weighted pull-ups
Wednesday power 1-3 reps - same as above
Friday strength 5-6 reps - same as above
Saturday bi, tri, shoulder, upper and middle traps and calf work.

I do two working sets for each exercise but recently I've tried to increase the volume by 1-2 sets, just to see if that will help me grow more. I think everyone has a lagging body part, mine are my calves. The best advice I could give, as far as arms are concerned, is to do your pull ups, palms facing you that way your biceps get a little more work. When you do your triceps, use weighted dips, they seem to work all three heads better than most things that I've tried. It's hard to get stronger on isolation movements, that's why I typically try to improve my strength on compound lifts and in my opinion, progression in those lifts, is what has helped me the most.
Very good. It fits in my own impressions about DUP. I started a routine very close to yours, except that I'll try to fit accessory work in the three weekly sessions since I don't have room for training four times a week.

I'm already doing chins instead pull-ups and I feel it helped my biceps but I'm still struggling to grow my triceps.
Triceps have 3 heads and are much more resilient to growth than other muscles since they are used in many everyday activities. Hit them hard. For the advanced bodybuilder, compounds alone will not get you exceptionally defined triceps with that horseshoe look.
BTW, could we consider that accessory work on DUP is somewhat similar to HST metabolic work? The pattern of accessory lifts on DUP is considerably different of metabolic sets but it seems to deliver an effect on sarcoplasmic hypertrophy as well as an erk 1/2 activator.
Triceps have 3 heads and are much more resilient to growth than other muscles since they are used in many everyday activities. Hit them hard. For the advanced bodybuilder, compounds alone will not get you exceptionally defined triceps with that horseshoe look.

You've definitely have my curiosity on this one. I always complain about how my triceps don't have near the muscularity that they should, considering, I do dips with 90 lbs strapped to me, for 3 sets of 12 reps. I've also tried higher reps with push down, skull crushers and kick backs but I still feel that they should be better than what they are. What do you think I should add, to give me a more developed look.
The long head of the triceps is lacking stimulation in your exercise choices, you need to add something that places the triceps under stretch. A skullcrusher where you let the bar pass over your head and add a stretch to the movement, or a standing up tri extension will do the trick. Both can be hard on the elbows, though - so I would drop them for the 5s.
Mr. Nut, :)

My triceps have responded the best to working them at least 4 times per week:

A. 1 work set of of close grip bench presses of 12 reps followed by 4 myo sets of 3 reps each with about a 10-15 second pause between myo sets.
B Followed immediately by one set of exercise band kickbacks with the band attached to a strong fixed object such as a basement support metal post and holding the extended position as high as possible for a count of 5 and retracting only part way to around the 90 degree position so that there is always tension on the head. You can increase the tension in the bands by tying knots in them. I have found dumbells to be inferior to bands for this exercise. Best done wearing sunglasses as it may bring tears to your eyes.

One arm band palms down push downs of 12 reps using the same myo rep scheme and kickbacks.

Same as Monday but with heavier weight and using only 8 reps and 5 myo sets of 2 reps each.

Same as Tuesday but with a heavier band and using a target of 8 reps and/or repping out and then 5 myo sets of 2 reps and finishing off with band kickbacks.

This is not a program for beginners, who should concentrate on 4-6 compound movements or strength athletes but you are very well developed and perhaps just need an extra push on the triceps to increase hypertrophy. Make sure the kickbacks end with a very intense burn on all three heads making it impossible to do any more serious work with them. Do them at the end of your workout or you may ruin your other lifts. The total tricep routine should take no more than about 10 minutes. Increase frequency to 6 days as you progress.

I do a lot of one arm tricep work because then I can really concentrate on working the total muscle.

I also use dynamic tension on my triceps which is merely holding your arms straight and twisting them outward and holding until you get a good burn. This can be done many times per day, even while watching TV. This actually works well on traps also but with an overhead squeezing motion and holding it as hard and long as possible.

Like most commonly used smallish muscles (similar to forearms and calves), triceps, in my opinion, cannot be overworked and do not need super heavy weights to grow. They can actually get pretty big but show very little definition. Isolate them and hit them hard and often to bring out the muscularity.

You can switch up exercises obviously and skull crushers are a good alternative.

Again, this is only for the advanced lifter who wants to increase tricep size and definition.

Hope this helps.
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Mr. Nut, :)

My triceps have responded the best to working them at least 4 times per week:

A. 1 work set of of close grip bench presses of 12 reps followed by 4 myo sets of 3 reps each with about a 10-15 second pause between myo sets.
B Followed immediately by one set of exercise band kickbacks with the band attached to a strong fixed object such as a basement support metal post and holding the extended position as high as possible for a count of 5 and retracting only part way to around the 90 degree position so that there is always tension on the head. You can increase the tension in the bands buy tying knots in them. I have found dumbells to be inferior to bands for this exercise. Best done wearing sunglasses as it may bring tears to your eyes. You can increase the tension in the bands buy tying knots in them.

One arm band palms down push downs of 12 reps using the same myo rep scheme and kickbacks.

Same as Monday but with heavier weight and using only 8 reps and 5 myo sets of 2 reps each.

Same as Tuesday but with a heavier band and using a target of 8 reps and/or repping out and then 5 myo sets of 2 reps and finishing off with band kickbacks.

This is not a program for beginners, who should concentrate on 4-6 compound movements or strength athletes but you are very well developed and perhaps just need an extra push on the triceps to increase hypertrophy. Make sure the kickbacks end with a very intense burn on all three heads making it impossible to do any more serious work with them. Do them at the end of your workout or you may ruin your other lifts. The total tricep routine should take no more than about 10 minutes. Increase frequency to 6 days as you progress.

I do a lot of one arm tricep work because then I can really concentrate on working the total muscle.

I also use dynamic tension on my triceps which is merely holding your arms straight and twisting them outward and holding until you get a good burn. This can be done many times per day, even while watching TV. This actually works well on traps also but with an overhead squeezing motion and holding it as hard and long as possible.

Like most commonly used smallish muscles (similar to forearms and calves), triceps, in my opinion, cannot be overworked and do not need super heavy weights to grow. They can actually get pretty big but show very little definition. Isolate them and hit them hard and often to bring out the muscularity.

You can switch up exercises obviously and skull crushers are a good alternative.

Again, this is only for the advanced lifter who wants to increase tricep size and definition.

Hope this helps.

Thank you very much for that, I will put that to use. I think I might try that for my bi and calf work, as well.