Dr Atkins on TV

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Dr. Atkins on CNN's "Larry King Live"
Dr. Atkins will be a guest on CNN's "Larry King Live" tonight, Monday, January 6. Larry King will interview Dr. Atkins one-on-one as they discuss the Atkins Nutritional Approach, as well as the upcoming book, "Atkins for Life". Dr. Atkins -- one of the world's most controversial diet gurus -- has been criticized for years; but was he right after all? Watch it tonight from 9PM - 10PM EST on CNN.
leanest i have ever been this summer on atkins.

strength went noticibly down.

i am looking for the holy grail where i get good strength & the leaness from low carb.
There's nothing "magic" about low carb, it's just a way to get in sufficient protein and EFAs on a calorie deficit. If you lost a lot of strength, I'd guess your calories were too low compared to your caloric expenditure - and hence, lost muscle in the process. Do less cardio and/or eat more the next time around.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (scratch @ Jan. 07 2003,12:17)]leanest i have ever been this summer on atkins.
strength went noticibly down.
i am looking for the holy grail where i get good strength & the leaness from low carb.
Lyle McDonald's next book should sorta cover this.
ok, now you have me.

i am in the middle of 2nd hst cycle & strength is way up, but so is fat. real waistline ugly fat.

i have lowered caloric intake during this second cycle, but i am blowing up.

i think it is due to the fact i was on a much higher volume training program (renegade/edt/meltdown II) & doing lot's more cardio.

secondly, i think my body has a hard time processing carbs, even 150-200grams.

i am starting my 5's on Thursday & want to keep up the gains, but i do now want to look like the pilsbury dough boy.

Scratch, what is your diet? What's your BW/BF again?

Eating high calories with low-carb diets can be dicey if you eat a lot of fat too.

41yrs old, started first cycle in Nov. at 173 13%BF. 1 1/2 cycles later i am 183 16%BF.

diet is 2500 calories from 40/30/30 diet.

eating fairly "clean", except for Thanksgiving & Christmas & sunday night cheat meals.

i don't want to restrict going into 4 weeks of 5's as I am looking for some great growth. DL is way up as i did 10reps with 315 today & could have done 15reps.

love the strength, but 6 lbs of fat mostly around my waist has pushed me from a 32 to a 33 1/2 waist. No good.
So what happened with he Dr. Atkins interview? Was he mainly refuting the opposition? Did he talk about anything other than his nutritional approach (his opinions on other subjects)?
"This is exactly what our overfat population needs, in addition to all the sugar and other overprocessed carbs in our supermarkets. They make it sound like you either get fat eating refined carbs, or lose fat eating bacon. What a choice!"

Egregiously funny, but true. The US government food pyramid and Dr Atkins diet creates a macronutrient dichotomy in the mindset of the unacquainted general public. The law of energy conservation is conveniently thrown into oblivion. No one is spared in the confusion.
The scientific American article is interesting in the fact that the main writer, walter willett an epidemiologist (who always look at things from a different perspective than a nutritionist). But anyways, he bases a large amount of his theory on his nurses and medical practitioner cohorts, which can be slightly one eyed..
I will put up a longer post later with a few points for discussion
Reading his transcipts on the Larry King show I had a few problems with some of the things he was saying.

KING: Are some under risk switching to low carb? ATKINS: Very few people. I would say it shouldn't happen to a pregnant woman or a woman who is feeding her infants.

Why should this make a difference if the Inuit in Alaska that he spoke of are living on zero carb diets year round? Surely they have pregnant females in their population who subsist on the same zero carb diets?

You take the healthiest diet in the world, if you gave those people vitamins, they would be twice as healthy.


Apart from that, it would have been more entertaining to read if Aaron F or Lyle McDonald had been one of the callers to the show. ;)
In theory (altho infant nutrition isnt fresh in my brain), babies need more glucose, and if the mother is in ketosis they will not have a lot to spare. Possibly, the older inuit people (current diets are a lot different than they used to be) worked their diet around pregnancy, who knows. Possibly infants were primarily reared (for want of a better word) around summertime, when there was a larger availability of natural carb sources.