designing hst program


New Member
Could someone give me an example of a HST program for the bench press 1 rep max 200. I think it should be a 6 wk program with 2 wks rest, but am not sure of the details. Thank You.
Tony- Wlecome to HST! First of all, be sure to read the FAQ- there are lots of helpful hints, and some sample routines in there. Second, you need to establish your 15, 10, and 5 RMs. You could probably estimate these from your 1RM, but that's pretty crude, and although the RMs don't have to *precise*, they probably need to be better than what you could derive from your 1RM. After you've gotten your RMs, come back and we can help you better- until then, we don't know whether or not you'll have to zig-zag or reperat weights from session to session. Oh- it's *8* weeks, not 6, followed by at least a 1-week SD.
When I was designing my HST program, my 1 RM for bench press was 200 lbs. Actually, I hadn't tested my 1 RM in over a year, so I knew it was a little higher than 200, but it shouldn't make too much of a difference. I wasn't exactly sure about my RMs, so I used conservative numbers that I knew I could handle.

15 RM = 135 (Did 145 x 15)
10 RM = 155
5 RM = 185 (Did 195 x 5)

Here is the progression I had planned.


115--125 --135--145--155--155


If you think you can do more for your RM while avoiding failure, go for it. Just do it instead of repeating your RM.

Jake mentions that it's 8 weeks, not 6. I assume yours is 6 weeks because you do not intend to do negatives. If you can't do negatives, you can do your 5 RM for two weeks. Since the weight will be heavy, the Repeated Bout Effect will take longer to set in.

All these numbers are in pounds. If you meant 200 kgs, then this might not apply. Then again, it might also work for kgs.