Creatine and recovery?


New Member
I am trying mikeynov's "Dual Factor HST" variant during a cutting cycle and  the lack of any real fatigue management (e.g., clustering, triples, max-stim) is killing me - I  just can't recovery from the sets quickly.  This is not entirely new for me and I am constantly amazed at recommendations to take 30-60 seconds between sets -- I just can't do it that quickly.  Some possibilities:

(1) I'm just gettin' old (47)
(2) Being on a cut is lowering my energy.
(3) I need to look at creatine supplementation.

My question concerns the last possibility.  As a strict vegetarian, I get no creatine in my diet.  I am aware of the benefits and have been thinking I would eventually supplement -- just a little inertia getting to it.  I am wondering if the creatine would significantly aid my recovery times.  I am in good shape for longer distance aerobic work, it is just the short bursts of energy that seem to get to me.  I believe that this is right up creatine's alley, so to speak.

Based upon the considerable experience with creatine on this board, do you guys think that this would be a significant help?

From my experience all 3 factors play a part, but 2 and 4 significantly add to it.

I am 40 (sometimes feel rather winded), do eat meat though so I have some creatine "floating around" however when not on creatine I really feel the difference, I'd imagine a vegetarian trying a demanding schedule like Mikey's dual factor, would feel the need extensivelly.

Last but not least, when cutting perhaps you should add a little carbs before training or even a carb drink while training, it may help, I know I felt it when I tried cutting and trainig at the same time.

Just my views! On top of it, creatine is the cheapest of the supplements and basically the only one you really need with exception of your EFA's.

Agreeing with Fausto. I've noticed in my own body that creatine does seem to help a great deal with strength and recovery. Some people, it does nothing for. Only way to know is to try.

$12.00 or so for a month supply - worth a shot.
Im'a vegetarian too, and when I started creatine, I responded very well- much improved gains but especially endurance. Give it a try!
Thanks for feedback, guys.  Jake's experience, particularly, seems to confirm my suspicisons.  I will jump right on the stuff.